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Aug 9th 2001#12334 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 40
Atrus80 has just illustrated his (I'm guessing you're a guy) total lack of knowledge in this industry. He's either young and hasn't gone through the learning process or he's a plain f**king idiot.

It's generally accepted that as you get older, you become wiser. If you don't, then something is wrong. I was creating web sites at the age of 14. Yes, I was good at it, but I got a hell of allot better. The same goes for this site. It's been created by someone who knows how to control Flash pretty well (not excellent) but has NO IDEA how to make a good web site. This comes in time. I learnt from my mistakes and by LISTENING to what other web designers had to say. I ASSUMED they knew more than me because they had been doing this LONGER than I had. I can't believe anyone could dispute the fact that people who have been doing this longer (by many years) know more.

I'm not just Flash "bashing", I'm making the point that this site is badly structured. Hell! It's not just me saying it!

Look, if you still don't get it then you're doomed to be a crap designer. You've got to take your head out of your self-righteous ass and listen to others. After all this section of the forum is to find out what other people think.

I SERIOUSLY suggest you go out and buy a copy of Create Online ( This mag is very Flash orientated but tells you how to go about it the right way. One of the first things you'll probably learn are that Flash intro are dead!

OK I'm done with this thread...
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Aug 9th 2001#12340 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
ha!..uve guys spent all this time arguing with eachother...and accomplished nothing...except to piss off atrus and eachother..

1 - We accomplished much more than that. We established that while the flash is good work, It can be much better. All it takes is time, some more learning and patience.

2 - We haven't pissed each other off. Infact, I don't see one angry word from either one of the people except you and atrus.

3 - We have also established that you are a child. We have proven it by your last reply. Quite nicely, I might add.

Now, take the criticism of your site whether you like it or not. You asked for it. Guess you were expecting a bunch of people to kiss your ass and say how godly you are. Ooops.
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Aug 9th 2001#12349 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
i don;t know how much of all the posts u read oblivious...but i have been taking all the criticism..In fact i like constructive criticism..its u a whole new out look through another persons world..

Not once have i said anything imature...or that i made any bad remarks about someone's ..mainly dekers criticism...right deker..

And maby i should rephrase my quote...atrus pissed off everybody...and they pissed off him (he gets pissed off easily)...( dont take that seriously..

Now Oblivious..I was trying to have a mature conversation with deker about flash vs. thing that we don't need in this forum is people that assume that a third crooked..evil..childish..or what ever u can add to the list...(most people don't like to be called a child...maby atrus does or some stoned kid down the street does..)...

No one has established that i am a child.(offensive to me..)..they have just agreed that my creative abilities haven't entirely matured (as far as ur maturing goes by ur own definition)
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Aug 9th 2001#12352 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
ha!..uve guys spent all this time arguing with eachother...and accomplished nothing...except to piss off atrus and eachother..

That comment right there leads me to believe that since you have nothing else to say other than we have gotten nothing done, you are using this for your amusement. Now, if you aren't using it for amusement, please, add something to it.

As for a mature discussion, yes you were having one. Up until the point that you posted that. I have been around this forum much longer than you have, and I don't see me leaving anytime soon.

Why? Because I bring something to the table. I don't make useless posts like this that could insult someone. Yes, I was insulted by your comment. So that makes us about even. Now if you find yourself offended by me calling you a child, try rephrasing what you say before you post it. Preview the post before posting it, read what you are saying. Try to take it from all sides. Will someone be offended by it? ect ect.

I am also guessing by your defense of him that you two either know each other through the internet or in real life. So I will say this. Please do not send your friends to this site to beat us up when you don't like what we say. kthx. Did you send him here to do that? Dunno, but it looks like it.
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Aug 9th 2001#12353 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
changed quote from page 2
ok everybody (mainly atrus) simmer down....lets not lets this thread get out of control....i know that uve spent all this time trying to prove that what ur saying is constructive criticism. (Im staying out of this one)

blah!! Nothing put..well..calm out of ideas..bai..


atrus: Read this :: be open minded
~"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
Galileo Galilei
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Aug 9th 2001#12370 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 14
Em anyone else think the topics lost what it was supposed to be about, its just turned into who has the biggest woody (soz woodss).

People should listen to the more mature readers, because they know what works, I've been doing websites for over 4 years, from learning it the old handcoding way up to learning programming languages such as ASP, I've been around from the begining of Flash's inception into the web, and at first it was something fancy, and we all did go wow, but times change, people are using the net more, and what they want is information, not spinny logos in an intro which doesn't offer anything to the site, this is not people been nasty, this is people who have seen site after site using flash in intros, and most of them have been the same. Flash is so much more than a flashy intro tool, it can be used to create visual web applications and online games and such.

Perhaps people have not chosen there words wisly, perhaps they have taken what people have said out of context. Constructive critisim works, I've had people offer opinions towards my work for years, and it only improves the work.

At the end of the day, the oldies do know what there talking about, so don't knock em.

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Aug 9th 2001#12380 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
ok this is hard for me usually but right now i dont care. im sorry for being a dumb ass about it, and just for the record. sybersnake didn't send me here. i come to this site for the tutorials and i saw the message board. i dont like negative ppl. thats probably why im so pissy. anyway. sorry for actiing like a little kid.

there are you all happy. geez. man i admit i was wrong. its just hard for me to admit it cause of my personality.

sorry deker, oblivion, syber, and everyone else in this...

l8er days
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Aug 9th 2001#12397 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Well I will stand up for sybersnake and say that I think he did take the criticism well. I didn't see his negative post before he edited it, so maybe that would have changed my opinion, but from what I saw I think he took it well.

Overall I think this was a really good discussion, and it had a lot of good points in it, and some people probably learned some things. Which is what we're all supposed to be here for. So I definitely don't think it was wasted. I enjoyed it, and I learned more by thinking about the whole topic enough to make an intelligent response. I always learn something whether I'm being critiqued, or critiqueing someone else's work. And I think that's a really valuable tool of this forum.

So congratulations everyone, on having a relatively mature and interesting conversation!
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Aug 10th 2001#12406 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
I've been skipping the "Web Site Showcase" for the last week at least. I didn't even SEE this post until now. I saw that it had 3 pages of posts, so I KNEW there was a big argument (discussion) going on. I'm just sorry I missed it all. I had a LOT to say after reading many of those posts.

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Aug 10th 2001#12408 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
ok..well atrus is a friend of mine..but i never told him to go to this thread and beat u guys up..or anything for that matter of fact..
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