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Aug 8th 2001#12218 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
i dont see any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism here. all i see if ppl who dont really seem to like flash for webpages. and all i see is ppl who say that its a bad site. no comments on improvement. and all u can do is spout a few web sites made by professionals and say yea "THAT, yeah that right there is good" when really its your own opinion. u are just so lost in your own opinion that you think you are the ONE who knows flash, what it is, and how to use it. so until you work hard and create a piece of flash i suggest u take some more time and think about what really goes into it.
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Aug 8th 2001#12219 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
u are just so lost in your own opinion that you think you are the ONE who knows flash, what it is, and how to use it. so until you work hard and create a piece of flash i suggest u take some more time and think about what really goes into it.

Ok. Let's see some of your work. What qualifies you to make judgements of others? C'mon, let's see it. You obviously know so much more than anyone here. Let's see your work.
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Aug 8th 2001#12220 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
what you give is criticsm, and its not constructive. and im just trying to give the ppl who work hard at what they do a little break. telling a person that the whole thing they just did is completely useless and is not creative, and doesn't add to the site, and is choppy and bad looking doesn't help
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Aug 8th 2001#12222 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
telling a person that the whole thing they just did is completely useless and is not creative, and doesn't add to the site, and is choppy and bad looking doesn't help

But it does help. If you spend all your time on something but people who visit your website find it uterly useless and they leave your website before they even get to your content, wouldn't you want to know? I hope you would.

As for the people on this forum not having a right to post thier critique's on something. Remember, this is a public forum. He asked for our opinions on it. He was given our honest feelings toward it. If that's not constructive, then you have a completly different view of 'constructive critisism' than just about everyone on this forum.

However, we value your opinion as well. You don't have to like what someone says about something you do, but because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's invalid.
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Aug 9th 2001#12242 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Atrus80, you need to calm down. You're whining and complaining about how we don't post constructive critisism.... Then why don't you post some? You've posted a total of three messages on this forum. And they've all been complaining about how much we all suck. I don't see anything constructive coming out of you at all.

Tre was just pointing out that older designers are 'generally' going to be better and have more experience for the simple fact that they've been alive longer. They have a better grasp on life, and their own feelings toward it. They are more mature, and more developed. It's a fact, not an opinion.

And about opinions, sybersnake asked for opinions when he started this thread. So that's what people gave him. If someone doesn't want people's opinions, then they shouldn't be posting in the forum. Sybersnake wasn't even offended, several other people that had nothing to do with the site were, just because they happen to like flash.

Not a single person on here said that Flash is bad. We just said we didn't like this particular design. And we don't like a lot of other Flash sites. The chances are, we don't like a lot of HTML sites either. But no one gets all offended and cusses people out for being an "HTML, JPEG, and GIF Hater". When someone says they don't like a site made in HTML, you don't see 5 people jump in and say, "You suck, you don't know what you're talking about. You just hate HTML!!!" It's not that we don't like Flash, it's that we don't like some designs.

0blivious also made a good point. If the input you receive from people looking at your site is negative, and you ignore it, what's the point of making a site? Who are you making the site for? Are you making it for you, or for the average web browser? Are you trying to make the experience more enjoyable for the user, or for you? Do you want to make yourself feel smarter by making your site so hard to navigate that it's like solving a puzzle? Does it make you cooler if people have to sit and watch an introduction to your site? (none of that is meant to be specific to sybersnake's site, it's more of a general question about web pages in general)

Intros are kind of like commercials. Only a very select amount of people actually enjoy them, and that is usually people that are working in the same industry and like to compare their work to what they see, or figure out why that particular commercial was good. The rest of the masses just find it to be an annoyance.
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Aug 9th 2001#12243 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 14
we all wuv deker, he so honest and the point :D
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Aug 9th 2001#12248 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
we all wuv deker, he so honest and the point

Err. i like deker for his honesty, however I was honest first...

/me runs off crying cause noone loves him *sniff*


deker, along with myself, mbb and a couple other people are probably the straightest shooters you are going to get on this board so far. Most people will reply to the showcase threads with stuff like

"oh man that is shaaaweet. I like it. wish i could do it"

I am probably not the first to mumble words like "err no it's not" to myself right after I read something like that, but I hold my tongue mainly because we all started out making things that just didn't look right to everyone else.

Meanwhile, statments like this offer no insight as to why a particular piece is so good. Then someone like me, deker or mbb come along and end up looking like the bad guy mainly because we critique the peice and not just sing praises. deker doesn't have to be mean to get his point across. Deker is the kind of guy I would want to work with on a project. He probably pulls his own weight. I doubt he bull****s around much either.

I wanted to add something :: Edit below ::

Intros are kind of like commercials. .... The rest of the masses just find it to be an annoyance.

Put it like this. If i watch a commercial, it's because it has a beautiful woman who is scantilly clad and selling beer.
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Aug 9th 2001#12262 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Thanks for the kind words, 0blivious.

But don't feel bad, I love you, and your honesty.... *hugs!* :p

'But seriously'.... Yes, empty posts are highly annoying, and I am constantly muttering to myself. I figure if you don't learn something from a critique, then it was worthless. If you just want to be congratulated on how great your work is, then ask your mom. If you want an honest opinion on what you could improve or change next time, then ask some of the people here in the forum.

* and don't get offended when they answer. It's nothing against you personally, just pointing out things about the design that could be better *

0blivious, I have just the project for us to work on together, to! And no bull****!
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Aug 9th 2001#12271 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690


either of those is the easiest way to get in contact with me. #tfcpubz or #oesm-server are the best ways. I am always on IRC
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Aug 9th 2001#12304 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
ok everybody (mainly atrus) simmer down....lets not lets this thread get out of control....i know that uve spent all this time trying to prove that what ur saying is constructive criticism. (Im staying out of this one)

blah!! Nothing put..well..calm out of ideas..bai..

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