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>>Check out my new intro!!<<

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Aug 6th 2001#11859 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
I almost have the final version of the still hasn't been optimized...and still has a few bugs..i have to make motion blurs for all the text...well im gona do that tommorrow...

here is the site

click on flash version...

thanks for all comments in advanced....

i really need comments on this thanks..
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Aug 6th 2001#11861 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i LOVE it.

this is what it looks like:

cool, clean, professional, interesting...

nice work. What program did you use, just flash?
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Aug 6th 2001#11862 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1452
Well, I gave it a chance, regardless of that stupid chromeless window. (I really dislike those things).

Really nice and clean. At the very end where the GSI logo spins down into place, it's not quite smooth. Instead of following a clean path, it looks like it jumps out of place before ending. (might just be me)

Other than that, nice job.
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Aug 6th 2001#11863 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
*NL : thanks a lot..oh i used swift 3d and illustrator to pull off the 3d stuff.....

MobileMadBoy : well actually i matched the frames exactly before it spins into the end it bounces left ..right..and left..then spins into the top of going up on the left.....It looks perfect on my two machines...400mhz and 1.5ghz .. im sorry that it doesn't look too great at the ending on you pc..
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Aug 6th 2001#11887 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Well, as far as a flash intro goes, it looks like all the other ones I've seen. And as far as a web design element goes, it's a waste of time just like every other flash intro I've seen.

No offense to you, it's a good job. I just hate how flash is used, especially intros. So I'm pretty biased.
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Aug 6th 2001#11888 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
hey deker do u mind to point our an intro that has a huge 3d ting spinning in the background?
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Aug 6th 2001#11890 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I would love to point that out, if you could point out a flash intro that actually added something to a web site.

Again, your intro is cool as far as intros go. So don't take it personally. You do good work.

I just have a personal thing against 99.9% of flash. Not anything against the program, it's a great technology, I just don't think it's been used correctly yet.
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Aug 6th 2001#11892 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
could you enlighten me?
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Aug 6th 2001#11893 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
There is no point in getting into a debate about it. It's a personal opinion. I don't see anything great about flash, and you do. So there. Neither one of us has any proof to bring to the argument other than personal opinion, so it would obviously go no where.
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Aug 7th 2001#11899 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
well..Im not gona call you a dumbass or something like that because you don;t like flash...

I would just like to hear your point of not trying to be mean or think what you want to think and ill think what i want to think...Im just interested in your feelings on the matter....were both entitled to our own opinions and thats that..Im not here to try to persuade somebody to think another way....
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