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>>Check out my new intro!!<<

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Aug 7th 2001#11934 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 27
I am sorry but the flash seems choppy and dull and way to long of a movie and I am on a 500k cable connection it just seemed long dully colored and out of place. The site itself was fine just looks like every other corperate site I have seen nothing that made me go wow!

I am sorry the work seems good and the content is usefull but the overallness of the site doesn't help me feel good that i waited thru the two minute spinning 3d logo. I felt sad that I had waited.

Chromeless windows dont really bother me but it is overused and really not helpful to the overall look or design of the site.

sorry if any of that offends you but it is the way i feel. also why have a flash site when your main foucus is getting jobs for others?

just a nicley done html site would have been enough.
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Aug 7th 2001#11960 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Nice stuff man.
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Aug 7th 2001#11978 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
the intro is 18 sec...

PS6UsEr : thanks
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Aug 7th 2001#12006 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 27
dude i timed that intro and it lasted 2 minutes 34 seconds on cable modem.

That is a long ass boring flash intro.
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Aug 7th 2001#12008 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
how fast is your pc?
takes me 18 sec...
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Aug 7th 2001#12009 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
Ummm........ leihu the intro does only last 18 seconds.... and I have DSL

Your computer is probably messed up or something because the intro was awesome very smooth and quick

2 minutes and 34 seconds?!?!? Dont know where you got that from......
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Aug 8th 2001#12164 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 40
Yawn. I've seen some terrible uses of Flash. This is one of them. Good uses, these are ones that don't get in the users way. One of my favourites at the moment is You don't need in your face spinning and flying crap to be good at flash. For that matter, you don't need to use Flash to be a good Web Designer.

I really do think Flash should only be used when HTML cannot do the job, rather than the inverse. Flash is great for CD/DVD interactive expiriences and sometimes the web.

Seeing as you're a Web Designer*, you should know about testing your site in different browsers. The Flash site is displayed incorrectly in Opera 5.12. The right side gets cropped.

Mind you, I could point out a few more points about this site, but I'll keep it civil and short. Your younger than most people in this industry, so assume they know more than you do for a reason.

*Not that the title does not reflect any talent or knowledge. Any one who "designs" something for the web is a Web Designer. It's kind of like a "Pro", who is just someone who gets paid to do something, this doesn't mean they're good at it.
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Aug 8th 2001#12214 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 78
you've go to be kidding me. come one. how is that a bad use of flash. the intro is a whole 18seconds. wow that takes forever. and whats the percentage of users on opera? hmm can u tell me.
and whats up with the crack about his age? thats pretty low.

"lets assume they know more than you do."

what the heck is up with that?? how about lets not assume. ok?

i dont think that is far at all to someone who obviously works really hard to get good at what he does, and at such a young age. and im guessing your older than he is. i dont think you were producing sites like that at 15, and aside from that making a large amount of money for most ppl under 16. so i think you should stop ass.uming things about other ppl give some nice words and some constructive critism.
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Aug 8th 2001#12215 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 14
Originally posted by atrus80
you've go to be kidding me. come one. how is that a bad use of flash. the intro is a whole 18seconds. wow that takes forever. and whats the percentage of users on opera? hmm can u tell me.
and whats up with the crack about his age? thats pretty low.

"lets assume they know more than you do."

what the heck is up with that?? how about lets not assume. ok?

i dont think that is far at all to someone who obviously works really hard to get good at what he does, and at such a young age. and im guessing your older than he is. i dont think you were producing sites like that at 15, and aside from that making a large amount of money for most ppl under 16. so i think you should stop ass.uming things about other ppl give some nice words and some constructive critism.

It is a bad use of flash, it doesn't add anything to the site, what it says is " look i know flash", its just shows the usual use of flash of spinning objects which i don't really see the point of.

There are alot of experience persons on this board and they are offerening there opinions and experience and they are not starting on him because of his age.

And at the end of the day constructive cristisim is good, it might feel harsh but it does help people improve there work.

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Aug 8th 2001#12217 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
so i think you should stop ass.uming things about other ppl give some nice words and some constructive critism

Unfortunatly, constructive critisism is not always flowers and candy. Sometimes you will be seen as mean, hostile because you have nothing nice to say about something your are criticing.

Then we have people like you who feel they have to be insulting and childish while adding nothing to the actuall discussion at hand. If you want to add something, add it. If you want to flame decker or anyone else who finds the flash choppy or a complete waste of space, do it in another section of the forum.

As for the flash. I will say that I am not impressed by it. Your age means nothing to me. There are people much younger than yourself doing much more creative things, just as there are people older than you doing much less creative things. But the intro adds nothing to the site at all.

I didn't find it to be jerky. It appeared that way, but I figured he was doing that to make the text move a little slower than normal. For a flash, it's good work. Not astounding or breathtaking. I love sites like 2advanced, because there is something more than spinning 3d stuff in your face. So don't call me a flash hater. I just wouldn't use it in my site unless I had a good reason to.
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