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world trade center, pentogon... |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15979 Report |
![]() Posts: 57 |
What must all americans be thining now mostly like the guys who posted above I think , kill the bastards do to thier country what they did to ours. It is easy to say I will push teh button but doing it another thing, do you wanna live with those licves on your conscience speaking from an ex soldier poin of view its not an easy thing to live with . Payback is a bitch and where does it stop , trade centre to day some middle east country tommorrow, and where in the us the day after which middle east country after that. Revenge is not the word I would want but JUSTICE for the memory of the people who died. I would not want to think that if I had died in that disaster that it caused thousands of innocent deaths. You would not look at the next terrorist act as being your fault just because you went and raised thier country to the ground and they thought well if thats the way you wanna play it nad dived a couple more innocent civilian filled airliners into say Disney land. they need to be stopped not prevoked remeber a dead terrorist is a mrtyr somene for his fellow cloth heads to live up to, so catch him try him then make clean the mess up, make him work for your payback trust me my friends you will sleep alot better and they will be more hurt by doing that than putting a round through his head and sending to the place he WANTS to go to . My thought s are with you and I do not envy Mr Bush's nxt few days , he must decide wether he should send his young men to where they might get killed to avenge people, not a decsion for th faint hearted. Grenadier |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15980 Report |
![]() Posts: 2544 |
i think that describes best what i'm so afraid of. You are so convinced that the US will come out best. One day it isn't all going to go well, today maybe was a prediction of that. It went really wrong today, but i am convinced it will get a lot worse if nothing is going to change. The US can't always predict this things, and not every country is going to back down after US actions, i wish to refer to the cuba-crisis... |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15981 Report |
![]() Posts: 136 |
If it was in fact the actions of Palistine or the neighbouring countries of Isreal. The US had it coming. As far as I know, the US has a very interesting policy of sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. I do not condone the actions of whoever is responsible. But I am not surprised. The US was formed by religius nuts with guns and they keep pissing off (and on) more religious nuts with guns. What do you expect from people that have had enough? Killing more innocent people would be a poor choise. The American government has already done that enough. It's just finally coming back to them. When I heard the news I was sadened by the loss of innocent life. (no-matter who's it is.) I have no grudge against the US so what I am saying is not intended to be malicious, I'm just upset that the bully of the world finally got his toes stepped on. I don't care who I pissed off today. I'm sick of trying to be nice. I have not made a direct assult on anyone so I believe I have a right to voice my opinions. |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15982 Report |
![]() Posts: 136 |
I made a typo "I'm just upset that the bully of the world finally got his toes stepped on. " = "I'm not upset that the bully of the world finally got his toes stepped on." |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15984 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
Well I cannot post any more at work, but I will when I get home, but before I forget, I want to thank Scrypter for bringing my anger level down. In the wake of what happened, I was focusing more on what SHOULD happen instead of focusing on what DID happen.
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15986 Report |
![]() Posts: 170 |
cool. we are all in this together, matt. Noone is alone. |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15987 Report |
![]() Posts: 683 |
Ok, some of you might know I'm just 15 years old... But I still have opinions. Well today I was at school and all of the sudden the principal came on and told everyone to turn on the TV. When I heard what happened I was COMPLETELY shocked, I felt sick to my stomach and I just seemed like a dream or something. (By the way at the time I was on my way to school... I just heard from friends that's what happened.) But I heard about what happened on the Radio. After I got to school, we did nothing the entire day except watch the news. There was a weird kind of silence throughout the rest of the day. Some people were crying because their parents or relatives were in New York at the time. Some people were actually LAUGHING, that just pissed the hell out of me! UGH! When I saw on the news that people in Pakistan were cheering... IT MAD ME SO F***ing MAD!!! AHHHH I Cant even explain how mad I am. Its disgusting how they "celebrate" death" I mean when something happens to them we don't celebrate, we feel sorry for them. NOW I WILL NEVER FEEL SORRY FOR THEM....EVER! AAAHHH It just disgusting! Also the people who want to just bomb the hell out of Pakistan, I know how you feel, but I think its just because your mad right now, maybe in a month or so you will feel differently. I can't really think straight right now either I so mad! Oh and I do live in the US, so I know how everyone feels. Its an awful tragedy and I hope whoever did this will be killed! Also you guys shouldn't assume who did it, you have NO idea it might have been someone in the US. Remember when the Oklahoma Bombing happened (Yes I DO Remember that) everyone thought it was someone from Pakistan or places like that, but It happened that It was someone of our own. You DO NOT know who did all this it might even be someone from US, hopefully not...but you never know. All I'm saying is DO NOT Assume!
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15988 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
When YOU kill you won't be killing terrorists alone but instead you bomb and kill thousands of others who are not even involved and by doing that you make more enemies. STOP The Cycle!!! ..:: Oh I also think it's funny that you americans are mad that they celebrate when your country is in a period of chaos after being attacked. I guess you know what's it's like to be in there shoes after you've bombed them. ::.. |
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15989 Report |
![]() Posts: 1619 |
i will tell u sumtin, wut they are doin is crazy and over on the gaza strip they are celebrating because they belw are country to peices and have 4 more planes in the air!!!!!!!!!(if u c a plane in the air it is important to report it to the police! there are not supposed to be any planes in the air, the ones you see are those of the terrorists!!!!!!!!!) I took a drive in my car and got one pic of smoke from inside my car, if you want to see it im me at msz070 and e-mail me at [email]msz070@yahoo.com[/email], i really hope this stops b 4 ww3 or worse..........(u kno wut i mean) and kayflash has a good point, but for them to do this when we were not involved with what was goin on with them, we were just helping!
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Sep 11th 2001 | #15992 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Know your role. There is one marked time that the United States has ever bombed Afghanastan. This was in retaliation to Bin Laden's bombing of two American Embassies. No, I do not know what it is like to be bombed. But perhaps you would like to tell me. Let me mail you this package, have a loved one open it up and let me know just how you feel. The United States has been given the title of "World Police". We didn't ask for the title, but our actions gave it to us. If we, Americans, don't stand for the things we believe in, who will? Certainly not Canada. How can you? With no real Armed Forces. We have seen what European countries are concerned with. They would prefer to just let things go as they are than stand up for what is right. Do you prefer we just let countries like Iraq, Iran or Libiya build up their arms, stockpile nuclear and bio-chemical weapons? What will you do then? The difference between the United States and other NATO Countries is that we use our weapons only in times of need. The people in these countries use their weapons against their own people, exterminating the weak while building up armies with only one goal in mind. Perhaps if they dropped in next door to you, you would understand. Considering that Canada did participate in WWII, I won't say you are totally unprepared. Unfortunatly, you have no idea what it is like growing up, knowing that some country across the ocean has 20 mega-ton warheads pointed at your city because it has a harbor that submarines in the US Navy use. |
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