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If TeamPS was completely overhauled tomorrow... |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169538 Report |
![]() Posts: 2544 |
I'm looking into it as we speak, projectpath doesn't exist anymore... So I'm checking out some other options, I'll get back to you guys on this. |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169539 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
I dont have time to write everything I want, but i'm intrigued and would be willing to help with some video/3d content. I agree this place isn't quite what it used to be. I vote Dreamhost, they've been great for my clients so far and i imagine they'd be willing to work with us, we do a lot with them for Gurus Network. keep talking guys ![]() chris |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169545 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
Projectpath = Basecamp. www.basecamp.com It still exists and there is a free version for one project. I'd hold off on registering domain names and buying hosting just yet. I think a lot of discussion needs to happen before any purchases are made. The interest really needs to be gauged, and maybe even a site started and articles written first. Basecamp can be used to get all of that stuff together, and once there is enough interest and content to actually have a site, then things can be purchased. I'd hate to see someone make an investment right now, and then 2 weeks from now the interest is gone and that person is left with paying for hosting that won't be used. Minse, I never visit the front page anymore either, but one big reason why I haven't in a long time is that it was very rarely updated with anything new. The forum was where the action was for the last couple of years. And most new people find the forum through the front page, if they aren't finding the front page, the chances of them finding some random photoshop forum and staying are very low. It would be much easier to just re-do TeamPS, I just don't think we can rely on Rich to keep the site running and put any effort into it. We could work our asses off for nothing and then the site disappears one day. And even if that doesn't happen, we're still just helping Rich make more money, while he does nothing except host the site. Another thing to consider is that there are already approximately 1 billion sites on photoshop and web design out there. 90% of them already have the same content, the same tutorials, etc. Do we really need another one? What would be the value in creating a new one? What would we do differently that would make it stand out or even worth visiting instead of another site? I don't mean to be a downer, just being realistic. I go through this all the time myself, and am finally learning to step back and see if it's really worth doing. I always get excited about new ideas and sites I want to make, start planning them out, then find 2 other sites already doing the same thing, and realize the idea isn't that great. At that point you can either start it anyway and work your ass off to try to do something the other sites aren't, or just come up with a better idea that differentiates you from those other sites out there. Or just drop that idea altogether and do something else. Which is usually what I end up doing. ![]() |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169550 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
Ok, let's ask a question then...what would/could make it different than everything else out there...other than malibu's boyish good looks? ;) chris |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169551 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
I was talking to Mihai and we decided it should be a porn site. PhotoshopForPornographers.com and it would cover retouching, and how to enhance porn pictures. ![]() |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169552 Report |
![]() Posts: 1977 |
Im in. I can color/light match any body part to any other body part no problem! :D Seriously though, a new site is an interesting option. But lets all remember how exciting the re-design was for the five mintues before we lost interest. Something like thats going to require a lot of effort. I mention it again (sorry) caused id hate to go down that same path and end up aborting the team at the same time. We'd really screw ourselves there. I also cant help feeling like its a big F*U to pank/the team....but i do believe we are down to little options. Until rich chimes in.....i gotta asume the worst i guess. Also those projects-sites, imo anyway, seem to complicate things for no reason. Is there a chance someone has a spare forum to use? Id offer but I aint got no domain so my sites like half operational at this point. |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169555 Report |
![]() Posts: 1619 |
We do need things to make it different. I haven't seen many Photoshop Podcasts, and that seems to be the new fad. Hm? Or as Jake had suggested, a blog, but it could go beyond a blog, the blog could just be the home page. There are a lot of ideas I am sure a lot of you have, Derek is right though, don't buy anything yet, just talk. The only way to work with TeamPS now, would be if RIch were to hand over the site to all of us, and I doubt that will happen, until he makes up what he paid Pank in the AdSense... And I also doubt he'd be so willing to hand it over. It really makes me wonder if Pank foresaw this future and was really just looking to cash out his chips. I guess I would have done the same in his situation. |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169556 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
I don't see how the project sites is any more complicated than a forum, but whatever. I don't think we really have options other than just staying here, or starting a new site. Pank isn't TeamPS, anymore, so it's not an FU to him. If you want to get technical it was an FU to us to sell it in the first place. I mean I'm not mad about it at all, I would have done the same thing, but there is no harm at all in us moving on. And yes we all probably will lose interest in a few days unless someone really decides to be the leader or whatever and keep everyone enthusiastic and interested in the project. But like I said it would have to be something really new to hold my interest. There are way too many photoshop/graphics/web design sites out there already. |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169558 Report |
![]() Posts: 2450 |
All joke aside, maybe useful "lessons" might really bring in people. Like retouching yes, or preparing stuff for print... or making icons (I need to make a lot of those and I hate the little buggers. I like BIG stuff lol) ..and why not gaudy, shiny buttons and stuff for pr0n sites. Or Powerpoint templates. Those actually sell for good money.. and most are crappy. Or outlook templates... dunno - stuff everyday people use and don't know enough image manipulation to make their own... |
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Aug 10th 2005 | #169560 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
That's an intriguing idea...a production oriented site, with real world techniques...not the newest Photoshop CS 27 features and how to do super glossy beveled text, but the stuff you actually use everyday at a real job...photo retouching, prepping files for print, efficient ways to slice up a web site, organization of Flash movies... chris |
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