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Need Input on My Site...(first time poster)

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Apr 8th 2002#40427 Report
Member since: Apr 8th 2002
Posts: 87
Hello everyone. I'm new to this board, and I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my site. I would appreciate any suggestions of what to take off or put on. Thanks so much...

URL is:
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Apr 8th 2002#40433 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
hmmm....The colorScheme is a bit bright..(and I said that!! This is my site.. CLICK)..

The big blue border around the layout isn´t really..up to date..and maybe you would like to have more graphics in the layout, instead of the borders of the tables?...I don´t know, just my opinions...

Nice to see girls around too.. :D
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Apr 8th 2002#40443 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Heya there. Welcome to the board. What part of CA are you in??

The Site
I'll say right off the bat this isn't my sorta style. I generally don't like it much so i tend to critque it much more weakly because i get a 'blah' feeling just looking at it. Sorry.

I know you are new, the style and tricks of the website speaks volumes, but this is what happens when you ask for an opinion. :P Prepare yourself

Not TOO bad. But its sorta cheesy with this big ass image with this (flash) animation. I think some well-designed intro graphic would have done a better job of an overview. Also if you feel the need for an 'enter' button put it BELOW the image not on the side there. Maybe make the text smaller too for the 'enter'

Blah. The blue border is so sorta cheesy. Its a 'wow watch me do a trick with no real reason what so ever' Its not that the border is bad in itself, its just not needed. One way to ruin a design is to throw useless crap on a page for no other reason then to try and make it look cooler. BTW you need to keep in mind anything you have on one page you need on ALL pages. IE navigation should be on ALL pages, if you do something like the blue border you must have it on all pages. Continuity is one of the keys to good design. Sometimes webpages can be ruined because of lack of continuity between pages.

Other Stuff
Gah i dunno theres just a lack of any real design on the page. Alot of 'just for the hell of it' effects and images. No layout design. People shouldn't have to go back to the main page to get around the site (navigation on ALL pages)

You might try to get a free web template and then work on improving that design. Get a feel for how a webpage is layed out. Watch where navigation and content are split up and look at the different ways people lay out their actual content.

Its great that you went out and did your own webpage though. Its obvious you spent alot of time putting together all the content.
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Apr 8th 2002#40469 Report
Member since: Apr 8th 2002
Posts: 87
Wow...I didn't expect that much of a critique! But it is very helpful. I'm planning on changing A LOT of the site. At first I had wanted to do frames...but I know many people don't like that, so I resorted away from them. I think I'm going to make a new layout completely. I have started a flash layout...but I think it's going to take way too long to do my entire site in flash. So, I think I will just do a new layout, possibly with navigation at the top, and put it on every page. Thanks for all your suggestions!

Oh btw, I live in San Jose, CA.
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Apr 8th 2002#40473 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
Ever considered using Iframes? ..or if you know PHP, that would be an answer...
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Apr 8th 2002#40475 Report
Member since: Apr 8th 2002
Posts: 87
I've never done I guess I won't be doing that. :(
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Apr 8th 2002#40483 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
it´s actually VERY easy!! ...

[]=tags, u know...

[iframe src="something.html" frameborder=0][/iframe]

Basically, that´s it.

To refer a link there, just name the iframe like a usual frame..

[iframe src="whadda.html" frameborder=1 name="mainframe"][/iframe]

and then in the links:

[a href="fycker.html" target="mainframe"]link!![/a]

You´ll get it...
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Apr 8th 2002#40486 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Don't worry about Iframes unless you design something that NEEDS them. Now sure why she would care about PHP right now unless you were suggesting 'includes' which isn't php-specific most server-side languages have some sort of include in it. But again, unless you need that stuff or its impractical to have it otherwise iwouldn't worry about it.

Iframes CAN make updating easier but sometimes people try to force a design into it *gags*

Keep in mind navigation should be on every page. Even if its just a stupid text-link navigation you need to have it. Just design one page and make sure every page more or less follows that design and layout. Once you start getting better you can start breaking the 'rules' but generally most of your pages should look the same aside from the content
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Apr 8th 2002#40497 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
iframes (or frames in general) would eliminate the need to load the menu (whereEver it would be) everytime the user changes the content. ..that´s all...
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Apr 8th 2002#40498 Report
Member since: Apr 8th 2002
Posts: 87
Alrighty...I think I know what I'm gonna do...check this out:

New Layout

This is just an image I've been working on...I thought I could just put text links underneath...tell me what you think.
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