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Decline Designs v3.0 - ok design?

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Jan 22nd 2002#27961 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
the site youre thinking of is the old topaz designs site, and its damned close (which he admits):
Heres a tip which isnt really criticism (although it sounds like it): if you have skills enough to essentially recreate the topaz site, youve no doubt got the skills to come up with your own original site. Its one thing to be influenced by someone elses work, but your site takes that almost a step too far. Someone else mentioned the 'too many fonts' thing, and he was right, its too much going on.
And is that a spotlight lighting up the 'decline', near the top? Wheres the light coming from? All in all, it looks good; I wont get into the accessibility issues (although everyones been right about that), Id just work on the originality for now. Good luck, have fun
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Jan 22nd 2002#27965 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
that's the one i meant!

thanks man, i hate it when i can't remember something.
And now that i saw that site again i know for sure, your site looks TOO much like the other.

This isn't being inspired by something, this is recreating something... :(
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Jan 22nd 2002#27978 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
Give the splash some quality. I find the blue schizophrenic on the splash very sexy. You've got some good things going with your site, although it is a duplicate of the other. Ease up on the rough metal, and the scanlines.
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Jan 23rd 2002#28046 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Hah, well I dont exactly remember what I was into when I made that, but I had just disovered that site, and thought it was SOO good, I just wanted to try to make something like that by my own. I found this design on my dad's computer, where I created it a year ago or so. Well, I still like the design, but I had to change some stuff there so it was not 100% like the "original".
Call it a tribute ;)

Well, I actually made this site a half year ago or something, so now I'm gonna make a new site. I will post the new site when it's online.

The new design will be without bg-music and chrome-less so a little bit more user friendly. And a totally different design, not metallic...

cya later guys and THANKS for your tips, it have been useful for my new design!! :D :D :D
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Jan 23rd 2002#28047 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
But one thing: How long is an acceptable loading time on a website? Say someone got a 56,6 modem, how long should it take (at maximum) ??

Currently the new page takes 14 secs on 56,6 , with jpg. files, can I have it any bigger (I would really like to have some better quality y'know)
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Jan 23rd 2002#28058 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
How long would you want to wait for a web site to come up?
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Jan 23rd 2002#28063 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
I'm on 28kb... don't ask y...

And most of the time, for flash sites, i'd only wait if the site is no more that 500kb.

And that's for design sites, I'd wait for quality graphic sites if I want to see their good art.

So basically if i want something fast and quick, i wouldn't want to wait forever

Btw, your site, is too damn close to Kelly's design

I almost wanted to BLOW, but since someone already said it.. get a new design and take that off, cause I'd say thats a rip even thought its recreated. And it'd be an insult to Kelly cause the original is really good and this one isn't as good, know what I mean?

Aight? Peace
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Jan 23rd 2002#28074 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
yeyeye, sidefx, someone has already told me that, please dont repeat.

As I said, I'm working on a new deisng, which is NOT a "hack".....
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Jan 23rd 2002#28095 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i've read somewhere that 10 seconds is the maximum time people will wait for a site to load...
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Jan 25th 2002#28316 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well I did as requested, I have made a brand new design. To give me comments and stuff on that go to the Decline Designs v4 thread. The URL is the same:
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