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Decline Designs v3.0 - ok design?

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Jan 20th 2002#27625 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Can anyone give me tips and comments about my site?
Maybe there will be a discussion about the background music on the frontsite, but if you really dont wanna hear it , TURN IT OFF! When you have downloaded the file (about 900kb) it will start playing and you got the play-stop controls at the bottom of the front page (do not close the frontpage).

Well, if there is something you do NOT like, please give me tips on how to do it different, don't just say "That image is really ugly" etc.

If there is something you LIKE, please tell me, I love positive comments ;)

Thanks, here's the URL(s):
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Jan 20th 2002#27626 Report
Member since: Jan 18th 2002
Posts: 11
Okay, the images are nice

But I reallly doooo need a button to turn off that freakin' ugly "music"

Realy make that switch
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Jan 20th 2002#27628 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
AS I SAID, there is a button to turn on anf off the music.
If you look at the bottom at the front-page there are two flash buttons to turn the music on and off ;)

Well can I get comments on the GRAPHICS, not the music? =)
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Jan 20th 2002#27635 Report
Member since: Jan 18th 2002
Posts: 11
Well aslong as I am a user. A potential visitor of u'r site, and I can't find the magic buttons, maybe they are placed at the wrong place? A splash screen is just a "door" to enter the site. Not to put essential actions at it. I usally don't scroll down at a splash page.

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Jan 20th 2002#27638 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well the reason why I put the music there is because if I had it on the other sites, the music would start over again for every site you entered, when it's on the splash-site it never stops unless you click the stop button.

The stop and play button should be almost at the bottom, shown as "PLAY STOP" (as black text)
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Jan 20th 2002#27639 Report
Member since: Jan 19th 2002
Posts: 800
why dont you divide the page after the splash into 2 frames and put the music controls in once frame at the bottom, then just change the links as usual, targeting the top frame?

and on a side note- does anyone know a free hosting service that allows remote image hosting? freeservers wont let me anymore.
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Jan 20th 2002#27642 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Having a 1.1 megabyte splash page is really not a very good idea. Do you really think anyone on a dial-up modem is going to sit there and wait 10 minutes for your splash page to download so they can hear some song?

As for your images, they are all compressed too much and they all look blurry.

Giving people directions like "Do not close this window. When it's ready downloaded, you should hear some music playing (about 900kb)" is just not going to happen. No one is going to read that text down there. If you really want people to hear the music so bad, then have it stream in or something. Most people will probably have launched your site, looked around, and left by the time it is finished downloading. You also need to make the start/stop buttons much more apparent.

You have 4 completely different fonts on the main design of your page, and none of them are in the same 'family' so they look like they don't belong together.

Some of the lighting on the main part of the site is wrong. Looks like there are several different light sources.

Your scroller script does not work in Opera, so I can't even see anything below the initial part of the page that is loaded. On the services page, your form is visible on top of all of your graphics, and looks quite odd.

That light in the upper right hand corner of the site looks too flat. And the light beam is too opaque. You should reduce the opacity of the light beam part.

All of the text in your content area overlaps the little metal swirly thing coming in from the interface and looks kind of funny. You should probably either move that part down some, or just set the text to diseappear before it gets to that part of the image.
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Jan 20th 2002#27643 Report
Member since: Sep 14th 2001
Posts: 409
The music is not really my style ... if you want to use music on a site I would suggest using Lounge style perhaps.
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Jan 20th 2002#27649 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well I think I have to do something with the music, BUT you DO NOT have to wait for the music! If you have a slow connection you can just enter the site WHILE the music is loading, then the music will appear when it's downloaded.

The little metal thingy is really annoying! If someone can tell me how I can make the text go UNDER it, you're welcome. I don't want to make the text-area any smaller than it is.
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Jan 20th 2002#27698 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
I have now removed the music from the slpash site, and inserted a NEW music file into a frame in the popup. The controls should be much easier to find now + the file is only 340kb now (before 930kb). Any more comments??

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