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Antistatik gets a new layout...sorta

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Aug 20th 2001#13771 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 319
Pretty cool idea of making your title for each page as a random saying! I love random stuff!

I like the desktop section, I also love looking at other people's desktops.


A few problems though- (in my opinion ;))

I'm not a big fan of text that, when rolled over, is unreadable

As said before, the drop down menus could be explained better.

As for the green, if your gonna use a color like that, use it, don't just throw a few things in there that are that color.

The 4th post down, in the "actual post", the word "some" was misspelled, using "come" Holy crap I can't believe I saw that!!!!

Your link to EndEffect was missing the T at the end.

The link to Robouk went to the resources section of his page.

The TeamPS button went to the logique site! HOW DARE YOU!! ;)
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Aug 20th 2001#13772 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
As said before, the drop down menus could be explained better.

Would you prefer that in MLA or APA format?
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Aug 20th 2001#13776 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
LoL Ax..............

Always the smart guy.
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Aug 20th 2001#13783 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
I agree very much with what others have said, the logo is TOO FREAKING BIG. It's very bright and intrusive and not "simple".

Also, while simple layout is good, I find the text to look unorganized in that I can't easily find the headings. I think dividers would help that a lot. When I look at the site, I "feel" confused and disoriented.

and Ax, here's the problem:

You say you want honest comments. Well people have been giving you honest comments, and every time you act like they have no basis for what they're saying. You defend your layout every time, and we get the impression you don't want any opinions on it, because you won't change it anyway!

And I don't mind smart-***es, but you don't seem to care about how what you say will affect other people. You seem the type to say "well I just say what I think. I'm honest." Big news bud, being outspoken like that offends people sometimes, and annoys others (like me) the rest of the time. You can't excuse yourself by saying you "tell it like I see it, no holds barred. ". Fact is, you didn't NEED to embarrass that member, you even agreed you didn't need to, but you don't care that you did.

I know you're very well aware of how everyone ELSE could improve your posts, but of course you don't have a problem either, right?

I'm sorry if I'm being too sarcastic, but I've been around people like you a lot in my life, just recently I've had to deal with someone like that, and I can't stand it, it bugs the heck out of me.
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Aug 20th 2001#13786 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
Ahh young fellow.

Nowhere in any of these replies have I said "I think your opinion is invalid, and thus not worthy of my time". Perhaps you might re-read my post about "detailed examples" when responding to showcase posts.

Let's take the first post to say that the image was too big, and they couldn't concentrate on the actual content. Which would be you as a matter of fact.
...but it's too bright for my eyes. Maybe that's just me, but it gets annoying to my eyes to constantly return to that bright neon yellow-green.

Of the probably 30 people I showed this site to, you and a few others ( all on this forum ) have said it's too bright and distracting. However, I estimate that 25 or 26 other people don't find it "TOO BIG and OBTRUSIVE" at all. Infact, they like it. Based on that, I will pretty much leave it. Not that your opinion of it isn't valid, but instead, because more people find it to be quite at home right there.
And the drop down lists aren't clear on their purpose. I thought they were the navigation system for the site, when they're really just links.

How many sites have you been to that use these "drop-down" menus? Now, of those, how many use those same menus for navigating their site? How many for linking to page/sites outside their domain? Alot more I am figuring. At least by my experiences.

So is it wrong for me to assume that people who have seen these type of menus before will know what they are for? I don't expect a middle aged, balding corporate executive to be visiting my site, so why should I prepare for that? That isn't who I am catering to.

I actually did lable the menus after you made this initial statement. I was told later that it's "lame" to lable the menu. People don't want to be insulted. The navigation should be intuitive, but not dumbed down. Ergo, refer to my expected traffic.

Is there a reason to have all your links right there at the top all the time? Isn't that an invitation to leave?

No. It's there as a temporary placement to move around the sites pages until I have time to build the interface. If you had read a couple a news posts down, you would have seen where I actually acknowledge that. But that just brings us back to the fact that you 'can't read the news'.

On down the line, I get a couple more negative responses. I honestly think that the reason these people spoke up is because of my post. So, you see, I did get a response. This is what I wanted. Discussion. Not alot of "hey, that looks nice", one line replies, with no standing except you know that they think they like it.

You defend your layout every time, and we get the impression you don't want any opinions on it, because you won't change it anyway!

Would you prefer I not defend it? I mean, it is my original work. When someone gives your criticism, don't you want to defend your own stuff? Doesn't matter whether the critisism is contructive or not. What matters is that you get it.

You misinterpret my justifying why I did something as saying their point is invalid. If that's the way you want to take it, fine. It is your job, as the person critiquing the work, to justify why you don't like something. I have seen no justification. Just posts of people who are 'pissed off' at me for me voicing my opinion. Just like you.

Big news bud, being outspoken like that offends people sometimes, and annoys others (like me) the rest of the time.

Thanks for informing me. But I am far from your 'bud'. Being outspoken is a definate way to make enemies. It is also the fastest way to make allies. You unfortunatly, have taken offense to my statements. Meanwhile, others ( who will remain unnamed ) thank me for saying what they have been feeling for a few months now. There are two sides to ever coin, you just happen to be on the otherside.

Now that I know I made you 'upset' by my words, It makes me wonder. Do you really not like the image/site/layout. Or are you just saying that to get back at me?

I know you're very well aware of how everyone ELSE could improve your posts, but of course you don't have a problem either, right

I'm not even sure what you are talking about. You want me to accept advice on how to be 'nicer' or more 'Politically Correct"? No, I don't have a problem. I said something that has been needing saying around here for a good while.

And I don't mind smart-***es, but you don't seem to care about how what you say will affect other people.

Obviously I do care, otherwise, I would not have taken the chance to give myself a bad reputation to get some responses out of you people. Guess what. It worked.

Now I am leaving to go out of town. I suppose you are going to come back here and whip out some more whitty comments on why I am an asshole and don't deserve your respect, etc,etc. Just remember. I never asked for it.
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Aug 20th 2001#13790 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Deker, all of my post was my personal opinion. Not just the parts you didna agree with.

Most books have very little white space because it wastes money to bind in extra pages. The margins on books are tiny compared to the text, 1-3 cms at the most on a paperback. The margins for the news is actually larger than the news itself on the site. The null space is distracting because the white colour of the monitor glares out of the screen, it takes up more space than the text and it hurts the eye to look at.

Text does not have to be cramped in order to be readable, news papers write in columns because it allows them to pack in more news on one page and it was easier for typesetters and cheaper to do. Not because its easier to read.
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Aug 20th 2001#13800 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I think Axiom does respect everyone's opinion, and that is why he has changed the site several times, because of people's suggestions. But he also gets two sides to every suggestion, and there may be more people that like it one way than the other way. And just because he didn't choose a particular someone's suggestion doesn't mean he doesn't respect their opinion. And I know I always defend my work when it is critiqued. Not saying 'you're stupid because you don't like my work' or anything, just to explain why I did what I did. And then maybe the person who originally posted that comment will see it from a different angle, and then understand more why I did something. It's just a way to start a discussion where hopefully all of the parties involved will learn something new.

Czak, I think you would do well to buy a book on typography and pay special attention to the sections on 'readability'. One of the first rules is to never have a line of text stretch over about 4 inches (depending on font size). For an example, type a page of text on an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper. Just fill the entire page with the text. Then take the same text, and divide it into two columns, and see which one you think is easier to read. True, a lot of papers just go all the way across the page, but that is also why your teachers always ask you to 'doublespace', so that your eye has some sort of guide (whitespace) to get back to the beginning of the next line without getting lost. Now maybe you personally prefer having as much text crammed onto a page as possible in order to save money, but I would much rather not get a headache every time I try to read something.
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Aug 20th 2001#13815 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
I've never been asked too double space anything besides rough drafts, and then only to make space for corrections. Different school system perhaps?

Deker, why don't you make a small column of text, center it on the page, print it on high gloss paper and then shine a light on it. Some white space is nice, but when the page is illuminated all it does is provide glare.

My beef is with the background primarily, I went out to the library and got a book on typography and it said to limit lines to about 10-13 words per line and to have margins. It also said that large swathes of bright pure colour in the background can be very irritating.

Perhaps there is a happy medium? Ivory instead of white?

As for not wanting a flashy site that distracts from the content, he's already got a bright neon green and black logo the size of my fist, that immediately draws the eye away from the content...
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Aug 20th 2001#13827 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
no, Axiom, I am not going to call you an asshole, that's not my style.

So what does this mean then:

"here is where I make a big joke out of people disliking that image and it's size.
I hope you can now pay attention to the stuff that matters."

I missed viewing the joke, whatever it was, but basically you were saying that the image and it's size are not what matters, were you not? Which is saying that my and other people's opinions on how important the image is are wrong.

"You unfortunatly, have taken offense to my statements. Meanwhile, others ( who will remain unnamed ) thank me for saying what they have been feeling for a few months now. There are two sides to ever coin, you just happen to be on the otherside. "

Actually, I have not taken offense to your statements until your last two. Initially I took offense at the fact that you included a person's name, even though I wholeheartedly agree with what you had to say. I'm not on the other side of the coin, but I disagree with your choice of method.

"Obviously I do care, otherwise, I would not have taken the chance to give myself a bad reputation to get some responses out of you people."

If all you care about is responses, and not people, that's fine. Just know that you ASKED for my response when you said the things you did about another person.

"It is your job, as the person critiquing the work, to justify why you don't like something. I have seen no justification. Just posts of people who are 'pissed off' at me for me voicing my opinion."

Um, I gave you plenty of justification for my critique, I always try to do that when I post, I always have. Not to say you have to agree with it, but don't say I had no justification for what I said. I always explain exactly why I do or don't like something. Don't say I didn't. Look at some other threads if you want. And if you want more critique, you can ask for it instead of demand it.

Obviously, with the way you refer to me and others as "newbies", you must feel you are a veteran of this board and have the seniority to say whatever you want. That will create problems if you have that attitude.

And on, I'm not letting my opinion of you affect my opinion of the site. If you recall, I was not pissed off at you when I made my earlier posts. Whatever I have said about your site is just honest opinion.

I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this, becuase I know you could argue forever and I don't want to do that. I just hope that in the future you can control yourself and learn how to phrase things without pissing off other people. Maybe then you will find they will be more prone to want to give you critique.
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Aug 20th 2001#13841 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I will only respond to one part of your post.
Obviously, with the way you refer to me and others as "newbies", you must feel you are a veteran of this board and have the seniority to say whatever you want. That will create problems if you have that attitude.

1- Please point out where I called you a 'newbie'. Please point out where, for that matter, I called anyone a newbie.

2- I have no seniority. I never claimed to. However, there are 2 moderators and 1 administrator that I feel confident check this forum, and I bet they have even viewed my post. Oddly enough, these people haven't locked this thread. They haven't deleted or edited my post. Nor have they warned me about anything I have said.

So what exactly am I doing wrong? If my posts bother you so much, why don't you report them to a moderator? If pank, deker or mbb felt that I was out of line, I am sure they would bring it to my attention, but I haven't recieved word from either of these moderators resembling distaste in my methods.

I don't go through life thinking everything is peachy. I have accepted the fact that I think ambiguity sucks. I think people who try to give hints, instead of just coming out and saying something are weak minded. Why should I post what I said with no name? So I can have 20 people saying "is he talking about me? That guy is an ass."

Fine. So I am percieved as a person that isn't easy to get along with on this board. Well, I don't live on this board. I like visiting because I enjoy helping people. I don't have to post my site. Infact, I was reluctant to do so at first because I knew that it would lead to 5 words sentences about how the colors are pretty.

As for the joke. It was a running theme in IRC the other night. After so many people bombarded me with replies about not being able to read my content cause they have wandering eyes, I put up a small graphics that read "Please do not look here. The content is to the right".

Everyone in IRC got a good kick out of it and someone said I should post it. So I did. But 2 hours later, I changed it back to the original image because the joke was finished. Sorry you missed it.

Forgot to reply to wallus about a couple of things:

Thanks for helping me out with those misspellings and misplaced link tags. How dare I link to logique with a teamps button.

And because i can't leave well enough alone.

cable - go here :

Click on the thread that says "Antistatik..." Then go to edit>>find on this page. type in the word newbie. Who's post comes up as the first to use such a word?
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