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OKAY....getting a little scared now...

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Aug 28th 2001#14790 Report
Member since: Aug 22nd 2001
Posts: 4
I'd like a cake too ;-)

Ok, it's very hard to write my actual opinions and thoughts in a foreign language so bare with me...

That site was clean, stylish and I would be proud to say I did it. Actually, that's something I would do for a client.

...(seeking the point)...

Let's take jump-tomorrow for example. If you have time and patience, the site is practically endless, there's always something hidden behind everything. That was my intention when I began doing my site. The lack of reasonable content made me to cut off the project when I would have wanted to go on.

Since my site has been online, I've made several different designs, so every once and a while I like doing something different. (check links below).

And if I was hiring someone to do my e-commerce site, I would pick someone I know, or someone that has already done these kind of sites, as doing such complex site as e-commerce is, it's more than doing an appealing design, it has to be usable too.

(As I already stated, I know about site structure and information and interface designing, it just don't reflect from my personal site ;.) )

But if we focus on my personal site, it's just opinions. Have a nice autumn everyone, and keep designing!

ps. cycling boy: has there been major a-holes here when you said "thanks for being fair" ;-) But then again, there's always one rotten egg in the basket.
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Aug 28th 2001#14801 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
And you guys thought Jipe was evil. I was just reading throught his March2001 site that he posted, and read this news:

07th Feb 2001
- i just spent two hours of making a flash version of this site, i had all fancy animations and one of those small news scrollers too, and after it was finished i realized how un-usable it actually was. the news textbox scroller was slow due to the animation and you could only see a few lines of i came to conclusion that flash is for animation. period. use dhtml rather than flash, believe me.
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Aug 28th 2001#14815 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
ppl went about it in a good ol argument fashion. Nothing wrong in that and it didn't call for name calling... thanx again and nice site!
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