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OKAY....getting a little scared now...

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Aug 19th 2001#13692 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734

That guy has some really fun games on his site though. I should be doing something worthwhile on a Sunday morning, and here I am playing Flash games.
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Aug 24th 2001#14377 Report
Member since: Aug 22nd 2001
Posts: 4
thanks to all for the comments.

I get a lot of comment about the navigation and interface. I wasn't in my intention to make this site too easy or conservative.

I wanted to make a site that the viewer has to think before they see what's in it. So when the user figures out the interface, I want them to feel good for the success, if you know what I mean.

Don't you all who actually figured it out feel good that you did? I don't mean to ask if the interface is good or bad, I'm asking if the experience was exciting.

Thanks again for you comments, the site is being redesigned in a week or so, so feel free to drop by any time.

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Aug 25th 2001#14442 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I didn't feel good when I figured out how your interface works. I just wondered why the hell you would make an interface so complex, effectively locking out half of the people that would come visit your site. And I actually felt a little pissed off that you would make a site so difficult to navigate!

Now, of course, I'm not everyone, and some people probably love the site. But to me it just makes me never want to return to the site again.

I know it's a little different for art sites or whatever, but for every other site, thinking is the LAST thing you want your visitor to do. They should not have to think about the navigation at all. There shouldn't need to be instructions on how to navigate. It should be instantly obvious how to get around, and the basics of what is there and what the site is about.

Now, before people go putting words in my mouth like you always do... I realize that art sites can make an exception to that.... because they're 'arty' or whatever. But I'm speaking about everything else.
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Aug 25th 2001#14471 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i agree with deker.

even though you get that amazing experience you told us about, once you've figured out how the interface works you aren't going to come back to see it 'work' again, are you?
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Aug 25th 2001#14488 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Wow, this has brought up a great conversation! In my opinion, due to the vast amount of 'brilliant' sites on the internet there are today, I think that web designers are just creating these sort of complex stuff just to show off to other designers or perhaps get an award!

This may seem blunt but there's not really another there? Websites are the most interactive way in the world to find out INFORMATION or anything else that could help you. What good will a website with a bug coming out of a sink pooping around do to a person trying to find out what the site is about, when they don't know that you have to CONNECT the POOPS together!?? It's great when you have a lovely site with lots of sexy graphics and pop-ups etc but it's even better when you have some information or something relevant to go with it. These features make the best websites and web designers. So I say to Jipe: "If you have just purchased the latest version of Flash and you really needed to explore it's great capabilites, well done, that's a great site. Oh, and if you're a pro webdesigner, go visit some GOOD sites that mix flash with classic HTML and Photoshop and some text and you'll one day have the best site on the net. At the moment, you're far from it" And if that sounds too harsh to you, dont diss me, i'm just saying what i think.
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Aug 27th 2001#14711 Report
Member since: Aug 22nd 2001
Posts: 4
HI again...

Your comments could come from my mouth, I totally agree, that a site with information should be clear with both navigation and layout.

And I'm not dissing anyone for stating their opinion, it would be too naive to start a flame over an opinion.

I've thought a lot about websites, their structure and designs, how to make them user-friendly and usable.

As I mentioned, I also agree that informative sites should be clear. But if you think what a personal porftolio site should inform about, is the authors skills. This site is not that much about me, it's about me expressing myself and showing off (my skills!?).

I don't want people to read "I'm a web designer blah blah" but I want them to see what I'm all about. I know I took a risk when making the site 800kb and Flash5 only, but if I would have wanted to make informative site about myself, I would have made with html.

And could you give me some links to these GOOD links, for me to learn more ;-)

ps. Look at
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Aug 27th 2001#14733 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Thanx for being very fair! Okay, there are s many very good sites out there using a lot of photoshop, flash and html etc. One of my personal mixtured favorites for usabilty and style is

That site you linked was very colourful, it took me 5 mins though to finnd out what to do. Had to click the help button (which maybe you should avail of) and then walked the 3D girl around for a while....walked over some pictures of people i don't know, no links, no writing. Then i left and never thought of it again. Anyway, it was colourful and very cartoony which is very good. Other than that, i thought it was pointless. Thanx for you reply!
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Aug 27th 2001#14734 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
I'm sorry, but that is fun. I love the guy jumping up and down in front of his car. heeheehee


Wow, and you can talk to other people running around too. How fun is this!
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Aug 27th 2001#14754 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I agree that your portfolio site should showcase your artwork ability, but I don't think that has to transfer over to your actual site interface and design. I mean look at it like a real life art gallery. There is nothing on the walls. It's all white. It's very easy to walk around and browse. The focus is on the individual pieces of art, not the gallery itself.

If I came to your site, looking to hire your services, I would see that you a good graphic designer, but you know nothing about web site navigation and usability. And since I would want to hire you to build my e-commerce web site, I certainly wouldn't want you to put a roach and poop on it. If I even realized that was the navigation, since I'm a top level executive of the company, and not another web designer that would have the time or ability to figure out how to navigate your site.

Just my thoughts.

(I'm not really the top level executive of anything, I was just saying what your site would look like to someone that actually wanted to hire you, not just find it on or whatever)
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Aug 28th 2001#14778 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690

If I wanted to feel success, I would bake a cake.

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