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OKAY....getting a little scared now...

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Aug 18th 2001#13601 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
okay, i know this room is for 'cool' sites but em, i found a very strange one and i don't know if i'm being plain stupid but i cant seem to do anything on it, but it's meant to be 'cool' since it's rated NUMBER 2 in the flashwizards site for best flash site at the moment. I don't know but i'm really confused. Maybe i missed something... here's the (very strange) site. How is this cool?? lol, you tell me! And if you don't believe it's rated 2, go to flashwizards and see for yourself :confused:
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Aug 18th 2001#13611 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
you click the top left logo of huikuri
and then it'll take u to the page...of which
u get to stare at a crusty toothbrush in a crusty sink with roaches coming out.
and that's all i figured out :D
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Aug 18th 2001#13615 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
After the roach leaves little 'poops' around the screen, (the dots) you click on them and connect two of them together with the line that appears. Then you can navigate the rest from there.

You both get an F.
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Aug 18th 2001#13618 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Wow, how the hell did you find that out? And why the hell would someone make a site that you have to ask a team mod on how to navigate it? Good idea i suppose but it's too hard to navigate. oh well, i guess us F students will never know...

Decker, that is a NICE sig!
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Aug 18th 2001#13628 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
How did I find it out? Unforunately, I've become used to figuring out insanely complex navigation systems by looking at a lot of sites such as that.

Why the hell would someone make a site so hard to navigate? I have absolutely no idea. It seems completely ridiculous to me.

And thanks, glad you like the sig, assuming you are talking to me, 'Deker', and not 'Decker' on the forum.
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Aug 18th 2001#13631 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
that site is lame. I have seen some crappy interfaces before, but that one takes the cake.
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Aug 19th 2001#13673 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 163
Lately, I am seeing a lot of sites with beautiful layouts and such, but the navigation just doesn't work for me! How much I love the work of, I don't quit understand the navigation, it doesn't make me aware of what's behind the buttons.. and I think it should or am I wrong?

don't misunderstand me, the graphics at are the greatest, but my guess is that the navigation undergoes the power of the graphics..

just my 2 cents
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Aug 19th 2001#13676 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I don't quit understand the navigation, it doesn't make me aware of what's behind the buttons.. and I think it should or am I wrong?

No, you are absolutly right. But these days functionality has taken a back seat to eye-candy. It's sad to see such great talent wasted on sites where the designer has no concept or concern for usability.
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Aug 19th 2001#13686 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
You know, I've been to designgraphik maybe 25 different times, and I've NEVER gotten past the front page? I just did today because I resized my browser window to full screen. I didn't even know there was a navigation menu until I did that. Pretty stupid if you ask me. What's the point of making pretty graphics if no one can figure out how to see them? That makes me not want to look at the site, not matter how wonderful they are supposed to be.
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Aug 19th 2001#13690 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 163
Well, I think it is up to us to make some changes.... to all the readers on this forum...usability has a higher priority than how nice your graphics really are..

It's a shame, because when I first enter a page, off course the first thing one sees, is the visual part of the site..but a truely good site goes beyond the visual part.. To get to the user, and to have him read the content and if needed, use it at his purpose, you have to implement a decent, good-working, intuitive navigation, and that's were the itchy part comes in hand!
When I call somebody a "true" webdesigner.. then his site is appealing to me in a visual way, and even more important to the easy of use and understanding the structure of the site.

I am currently in the last year of my three years of college (Multimedia and communication technology) and when we started with webdesign, the first thing we had to learn were basic rules about navigation and usability and everything that comes with that! That may sound boring, but now I understand why we had to learn that!

We may not have a lot of lessons about graphic design of a webpage, but my guess is that you can learn that by yourself, that's what I am doing right now!

So, young webdesigners out there, do not forget about the navigation issue of your site, it's oh so important...

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