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My new site...

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Aug 7th 2001#12066 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
Here is my new site. Tell mewhat ya think of it. Flames or slaps on the back. dont matta.

ESE Designs
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Aug 7th 2001#12069 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 91

BTW, thanks for adding me to your affiliates.
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Aug 7th 2001#12075 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
No prob PiXel.

Anybody else going ro critique (sp?) me?
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Aug 8th 2001#12090 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
The part where it says:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows can examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings.
If you would like Windows to try and discover them,
click Detect Network Settings
Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have installed.
If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Click the Back button to try another link.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer

Needs a couple more images.
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Aug 8th 2001#12093 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
I seem to get that problem every once in a while too. just refresh it again and it should work.
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Aug 8th 2001#12095 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
I've refreshed it like 50 times. It still won't show.
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Aug 8th 2001#12103 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Hppened first go for me. Nice site design man. Looks good with the simplicity. Nce layout. ON you home page is there supposed to be a graphic up top, if not i think you should out one there. But i do recall you saying it aint finished so like yeah it might be going up soon.
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Aug 8th 2001#12141 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 163
it's nice and simple, but like you said, the page is not finished, are you planning on adding a real navigation menu? Most of the time, webmasters use a dropdownmenunavigation (wow, what a word) as a second navigation menu... I don't know if you were planning on incorporating that but I think you should!

keep it up

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Aug 8th 2001#12150 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
add a header and the OUR BUTTON font should be the same like the NEWS button.
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Aug 8th 2001#12151 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
oh - and also make the links viewable. I don't think any user wants to search for links in the text.
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