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Enormous Publications

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Jul 28th 2001#10454 Report
Member since: Jul 28th 2001
Posts: 16
Well, I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I'd like to invite anyone so inclined to take a look at my new site, and tell me what they think of it. Any design or technical advice would be appreciated.
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Jul 28th 2001#10462 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Nice pics and all. But i think the design is a little to simple. But then again i diidnt not go fully into the site. I only looked at the front page. But nice pics.
Nice work just a bit to simple.
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Jul 28th 2001#10492 Report
Member since: Jul 28th 2001
Posts: 16
Simple is bad?
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Jul 28th 2001#10496 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I think there is a good simple and a bad simple. One quick thing, there is no title on the page, and you don't really know what you are looking at. I mean it's obviously some kind of art site, but there is really no indication of what the page is called, or anything.
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Jul 28th 2001#10498 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
nah, simple isn't bad...
but the site could use some eyecandy... just something so it isn;t boring.

I do like the few pieces of artwork you have on there...did "you" do them all?

Anyway, I think what he was really trying to say is....

don't just serve that stuff up in a paper bag even though it serves the purpose and is all you really need....put it on a silver platter and let people it all pretty'd up...
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Jul 28th 2001#10514 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
looks pretty nice. very original and the pics you did were nice. :D
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Jul 29th 2001#10596 Report
Member since: Jul 28th 2001
Posts: 16

The page title (the one that is saved when the page is bookmarked), is Enormous Publications. That title is also prominently displayed at the top of the page. So is the name of the comic that the site is (primarily) devoted to: Johnny Blister and Sweetie.


I guess I could flash the page up a little, but I'm not going to do anything like that for its own sake. Also, the (front) page is about 40k right now, and loads nice and quick, even with a 28.8k modem. There's no real use in constructing an impressive home page that no one will ever see because it takes so long to load.

Mr. D,

Thanks for the favorable assessment.
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Jul 29th 2001#10597 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
i like your artwork but the design is not good. too boring. try to sort it all a bit and make it look like a whole layout related to what u want to present.
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Jul 29th 2001#10621 Report
Member since: Jul 28th 2001
Posts: 16

Could you make more specific recommendations?
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Jul 29th 2001#10625 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I realize that you have the name of the site on the front page, but what if someone links in to just your artwork page? They will not necessarily see the front page first, at which point they don't know what the site is. Enormous Publications explains nothing. You could be publishing anything. And I rarely look at the title up in the blue bar to identify a page anyway. Just my opinion though.
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