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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140549 Report |
Member since: Mar 18th 2001 Posts: 6632 |
I play Halo on the Mac quite a bit, and I don't see what all the fuss is about. Seems exactly the same as every other first person shooter I've ever played, except for the vehicles. What's so great about Halo2? Is it really worth buying an entire system for?
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140556 Report |
Member since: Mar 24th 2001 Posts: 3734 |
Absolutely not, but I still think it is be one of the most kick-ass games I've ever seen. Also note: I bought a PS2 JUST to play GTA Vice City. So if Halo 2 does turn out to be really cool, I may buy an XBox off Ebay or something (IE: Cheap) |
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140558 Report |
Member since: May 1st 2002 Posts: 3034 |
it will be out for pc like a month later because its codec nearly the same :/
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140562 Report |
Member since: Mar 24th 2001 Posts: 3734 |
My PC can't handle Solitare, nevertheless Halo
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140568 Report |
Member since: Feb 2nd 2004 Posts: 10 |
They had better not screw up making a neww X-box. The first one is already the coolest thing ever! And Halo 2.. :DHappy Happy:D, :DSo Close So Close:D Yeah, should do whatever it takes to make it the best. |
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140575 Report |
Member since: Jun 3rd 2003 Posts: 1867 |
The fact that you guys are even discussing this is retarded. Microsoft's first breach into the gaming industry completely sucked, and I cannot stress this enough. The thing was a computer and cost just as much. It had a controller that would be more comfortably used by a 500 pound gorilla. And there were no good games. Maybe medal or honor, or something. But let's be honest, Halo was cream of crap. Don't even argue this. Now their next system will be an apple. Whoop dee frickin doo. It's statements like this that make me wonder to myself, "Hmm, maybe I should masturbate into someone's coffee and then slit my wrists because people make better video games in HELL." Both this company and sony need to take a leaf out of Nintendo's book. They need to learn how to make gaming stations that are, in fact, that. No more DVD players. No more computers, no more hard drives, it's driving me nuts. The fact that PS2 had a DVD player pissed me off. I dont understand why they could have decided not to include one, make the system 100 bucks cheaper, and then have people who really give a **** go out and buy another 100 dollar DVD player. At least PS2 had ownage games, not to mention the final fantasy series and all the Grand Theft Auto games as well as all the GTA (and occasional Max Payne) ripoffs (Max Payne, Getaway, True Crimes - and i've beaten 2 out of these 3 and i assure you that's what they are). But hell, now Square (square enix as they are now called) is with Nintendo again - BACK WHERE THEY FLIPPIN BELONG - and that makes me giddy like a little schoolgirl. Memories of SNES games like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana are flowing through my mind again. Now they're gonna be releasing boatloads of great **** for the cube, and for my little sp (Wee FFTA :D) Christ Almighty. A few more things. No. I don't need to explain myself. What the...? MSZ is right, you clearly bought the dreamcast, purchased a golf game for it, then passed out and woke up 3 months later and the system was dead. The 'Cast was one of the best systems ever, and it was so underappreciated. In fact, Sega was a pioneer in so many fields in video games and they were always underappreciated, and it's a shame to see them go. They were the first to implement the arcade-style 6 button controller (Genesis), they were the first to make handheld systems with lights (GAme Gear, and GOD knows why it took nintendo 10 years to release one of their own), they were the first to use CDs for games (Saturn), they were the first to use analog sticks (Saturn alternate controller for games like Nights and the like), they were the first to get online (Dreamcast), they were the first and only to have a god damn memory card that kicked ass even if you didnt own the corresponding frickin system! And now they're making games in someone's basement, and it's awefully discouraging to see. You think Microsoft would learn from PS2. same dig with the ****in SP and nintendo. For YEARS Sega had already released the Game Gear with the lighted screen, and you'd think Nintendo would do the same somewhere along the road with their Gameboy series of systems, and they never do, except they finally get to the SP, 10 years too late, where there IS a lighted screen except now they left out a fricking HEADPHONE JACK! In support of the SP, though, the light can illuminate a god damn room. Why bother buy an XBOX, unless that cheap price happens to be 0 dollars. I understand wholeheartedly why you would buy a PS2 just to play GTA Vice City - hell, why not just for the predecessor, GTA3? And you get all those nice games on the side! Now consider Xbox, which would would buy for one reason - Halo 2 - and come on, halo isn't even that good of a reason. And not like Nintendo doesnt have fautls because in between each of their major hits - Wind Waker, the Metroid game, the mario game, etc. - there have been enormous lengths of time which are insanely long and you'd think they'd hurry up. The new Mario Kart OWNS OWNS OWNS OWNS OWNS x 10^5 though. I just wish there was one company who'd get it fricking right, in all ways, for once. |
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140602 Report |
Member since: Jan 1st 1970 Posts: |
Who pissed in Supah's Cheerios?
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140606 Report |
Member since: Mar 18th 2001 Posts: 6632 |
Supah I think you'd make a much better persuasive argument if you didn't insult everyone that doesn't feel the exact same way you do... That little rant didn't really add anything to this discussion at all, and it certainly didn't waver anyone's opinions...
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Feb 3rd 2004 | #140630 Report |
Member since: Jun 3rd 2003 Posts: 1867 |
sorry. I get excited about these kind of things.
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Feb 4th 2004 | #140645 Report |
Member since: Mar 24th 2001 Posts: 3734 |
...and besides, if the units didn't have DVD players then we'd still be stuck with games on CD!!!!!! If your console supports DVD game mediums, why not integrate a DVD player? It would be far more idiotic to NOT allow a DVD-ROM to play DVD movies.
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