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Rag on this site some more :)

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May 29th 2001#4539 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Ok, I have added a little content to the family site I'm tinkering with.

Tell me what you guys and gals think.

note to *Charm*

torch this needs it
Nobody does it better......hahaha!

and with that.....

*insomnia off*
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May 29th 2001#4540 Report
Member since: May 3rd 2001
Posts: 414
Hey Torn,
It's Green!!! You know....I kinda like it. Anything that emphasizes family values is great.
PS- Your one can flame a site like Charm!!!
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May 29th 2001#4541 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
you made a critical error. You messed with my window size. Now, I must give this a bad review. Messing with window size requires it.

nah, Keep up the hardwork torn. Eventually you will sit back and marvel at what you have created. If you are anything like me, ten minutes later, you will take it down and put up an 'under construction' sign.
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May 29th 2001#4542 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Thanks Grass.....
Flame?.... nah
Honest opinion? better believe it.

Charm is someone that will tell you everything you Didn't want to know about your site. He wont smile and say nice things if it is a piece of crap.
most of the time he's right on.

hehe, I knew you were gonna say something about the moveto/resizeto 0bah... but heck, I didn't want the white on the right side.

Ack!....I said I was going to bed....soo here I go...
(if I can sleep)
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May 29th 2001#4577 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
I thought my browser was screwing up.......everytime I maximized it, it went right back to the small size.

I CANNOT look at a browser in a small window if it has scrollbars. If it's too big for 1024x768, then I change my display to bigger than that. Please let me maximize it.....or just fix it so that there are no scrollbars.

Scrolling down?.....well that's OK, because then I can just use the scroller on my mouse. But to have to scroll to the left or right is just nonsense. Sorry for being such a butt.....

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May 29th 2001#4616 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237

you are useing hotbot/neoplanet browser aren't you?

I guess I'll have to fix that after all. ;) (was gonna let it slide)

Nah, you aren't being a butt.....thats the stuff I wanna hear.

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May 30th 2001#4635 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
using win2000 w/ IE and i get scrollbars

#$% i thought something was wrong w/ my browser cause it kept getting small when i tried to resize it. Don't mess w/ the minds of your users!! LOL

You need to set the size of whatever script your using to something a little bigger
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May 30th 2001#4658 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
Ok see if you still have to scroll.....
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May 30th 2001#4663 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 223
Yes I do...
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May 30th 2001#4686 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Yup me too
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