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Jun 5th 2002#51786 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
added new: company img, portfolio img, and contact img
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Jun 6th 2002#51819 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Looks nice. Blah blah -=insert random praise here=-

Flash - Mixed feelings about that. There really isn't all that much on your page that would require it all to be in flash. Alot of people STILL don't have flash for any number of reasons. So you just gave a group of person a reason to not look at your site. That choice is up to you obviously, but you are turning potential clients away.

Big-Bertha-ImagesNo one cares about 800x600 anymore i guess. It seems you are taking a awful lot of space for an image. Its not TOO bad in 1024x768 but half the page is already taken before any real content shows. :/ I realize you have diddly for actual text content and that could be a reason, or atleast an excuse why you can get away with it.

hehe, ew. Ok its really not that bad, but sometimes it just strikes badly. I know you have this whole branding thing going on with that green box, but when the image if full of green it just makes me twitch ever so slightly.

All in all its a good clean design, nicely aligned and not cluttered. Sometimes it hard to tell if something is a link or not, might want to work on that. Would be easier to attrach someone to click something (beyond the top navigation)
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Jun 6th 2002#51821 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I don't have a virus scanner. You (sybersnake) have a history of assuming everyone else's computer is set up exactly like yours, and everyone thinks exactly like you. And what the hell does dwled mean anyway?
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Jun 6th 2002#51822 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
well dwl = usually means download -- then you add "ed" to downloaded or dwled.

oh, yeah i didn't have any viruse scanner either. untill i got kazaa -- and like half the stuff i get has viruses.
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Jun 6th 2002#51823 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
hm. i always thought 'download' always meant download.
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Jun 6th 2002#51824 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
type 'd/l' if you don't wish to write out download, its more commonly used and people will know what you are talking about quicker :D

Generally if you don't NEED flash to do something then don't use it. I don't see anything in there that would require your entire site to be in flash.
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Jun 6th 2002#51825 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
lol -- what about background server dwl tasks that can be run from simple javascripts where u dwl a program w.out notification .. and itexecutes when dwled... umn.. Thats why wel all have a virus scan.

I, unlike many people on the planet, have disabled any javascript, java or any other scripting that can be used to execute arbitrary code on my machine. I am prompted if someone wants to run javascript and I view the script before allowing it to run. Perhaps a little paranoid, but I feel safer with it. The only thing that seems to be able to work around that is flash.

Considering what I have been told about the site, it's nothing new compared to your old site. The design may be the same but the use of flash it still pointless.
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Jun 6th 2002#51826 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Axiom - Generally speaking how many times a day do you have to stop and accept a javascript to run? Catch any nasty scripts this way? I supose even once would make it worth it depending on the script.
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Jun 6th 2002#51827 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
oh, yeah i didn't have any viruse scanner either. untill i got kazaa -- and like half the stuff i get has viruses.

Would be really funny if your virus scanner had a virus. I would giggle uncontrollably at your misfortune.
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Jun 6th 2002#51829 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
DPQ - More than you can imagine. Yes, I have caught some scripts this way. Some of them were guys coding something that had no idea what they were doing, it was pretty much an accident, or so they claimed. Other's straight out admitted that they were trying to gain access to visitor's machines to 'see if they could do it'.

Personally, I don't care for flash. Never have. I can admit to seeing excellent uses of flash where use of javascript or dhtml would have made a visitor's sytem resources skyrocket. Unfortunatly, none of those people visit this forum.
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