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My first site!

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May 15th 2002#47940 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
Hey cybling boy.

Thanks a lot for the comments. At this point, it's a done deal. My clients chose the color scheme 6 weeks ago (specifically avoiding white, blue and subtle), approved the layout and design 4 weeks ago and are entirely stoked about the outcome of the site, so my work is done. We looked at a lot of Realtor sites out there in the beginning and decided that this one should look nothing like the competition. And they _really_ want the *cheesy* agents pics in there. They are all over their billboards around town, and in their print ads and are part of their *brand*. And all of their print ads use black, white and red so that's why they picked the colors they did. These guys are highly successful agents here in town so whatever they are doing is working for them. Maybe the *porn* qualities of the site will be what makes them stick out in the world of Real Estate on the Web!
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May 15th 2002#47990 Report
Member since: May 11th 2002
Posts: 44
Hey 4man! Clients sometimes can be a bitch and have some idea's that we might not agree with. But that's what they pay for, it's what they want. And if they're happy with the final result then great. Chalk it up.. Other designers might look at your work and think what they may. But they also don't know kind of people you were dealing with.. Anyway good job with the site.. We're all learning as we go and in 6 months most of us will look back at the work we've done and think "what the f was I doing". At least I do that every few weeks. Peace!
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May 16th 2002#48031 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
i cant see it :(

blank page comes up
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May 16th 2002#48032 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Hmm well I wouldn't use them.. they look kinda shifty.

Site is pretty good for a newbie though.
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May 16th 2002#48048 Report
Member since: Aug 10th 2001
Posts: 793
Nice use of Flash

I said to my boss than Flash can be good for a company webpage if use in an inteligent way, but he seem a bit unsure to use it... So your lucky he give you this chance.. look like he made a goos choice he he he...

Nice overall felling...
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