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My first site!

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May 15th 2002#47784 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
This is my first attempt at building a legitimate site in exchange for money! It's for a couple of Realtors in my area. They wanted something strongly reflecting their brand (The Agents You Want), simple, clean, and uncluttered but slightly modern looking to appeal to a younger crowd of potential home buyers.

This site is pretty basic as I am a beginner but I sure could use some feedback from you guys with more experience.

Thanks for checking it out!

Dave Fore
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May 15th 2002#47799 Report
Member since: Apr 22nd 2002
Posts: 404
kinda looks like a template ive seen sumwhere
that loppy thing
oh wells
hmm ive always notice sumthing though
if its a business site
ive always noticed the bg color to be white
well thats just me
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May 15th 2002#47803 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
what the hell?
chris kattan?
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May 15th 2002#47850 Report
Member since: May 10th 2002
Posts: 42
WTF IS THIS? lol...dude, hahah...woah, realtor huh..
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May 15th 2002#47878 Report
Member since: May 11th 2002
Posts: 44
For a noob that's not a bad job at all.. 1st question: Were your clients pleased with the site? Snaps on masking some of those pics in there. The one thing that really sticks out in my mind though is the over use of your strokes and glows.. It lacks a little on the business looking side but if you were shooting for an untraditional look then it's fine.. Overall good job though!!
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May 15th 2002#47881 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
If I was buying a home I'd prolly look at a site that was more interactive like that neato flash stuff ...
but aside from that
it looks good
maybe some rollover goodness or something
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May 15th 2002#47894 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
i am wondering why some of the links open pop ups and others don't.
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May 15th 2002#47899 Report
Member since: Aug 4th 2001
Posts: 134
I would go with a smaller navigation menu.
They take up too much of the space
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May 15th 2002#47906 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Lots of questions/comments redirected back to me so...

Ma-Shen - No templates. Everything was done from scratch. If you are viewing at higher than 800x600, it loses the intended effect. The only cheating I did was on javascript. I'm not a programmer so I used some pop-up stuff from a free site which is noted in the code.

Akujin - Yeah, it's a Realtor's site. So it's not hip, but that's what they do. And they wanted a website. *Somebody* was gonna build it and get paid. And newsflash... even *funeral homes* and *butcher shops* want websites that someone will end up building and getting paid on. Yes, it's true.

tommytheduke22 - They really liked the site. I didn't push or sway them into this look. They actually rejected some initial designs. And yes, they wanted to break away from the traditional Realtor looking site that's typlically white, with blue and or red accents with a giant head shot of the Realtor displayed promanently at the top - you know the one where they are looking slightly off to the left. And with loads and loads of useless crap all over the place to make sure they appeal to abosultely every single type of person that could ever possibly visit the site. They wanted something a little untraditional for a Realtor so they stand out from the crowd. The stokes and glows point is well taken. I was curious about your masking comment on the pics... could you elaborate?

Zyconium - I was hesitant to put in roll-overs on the menu items due to bandwidth issues. The pages are pretty big to begin with and so I went against it. Although I *do* like the idea and may still implement it. As far as Flashy interactive type stuff, that's out of my realm. I'm a noobie with limited skills, especially Flash. And to be honest, that *might* sway some of the older folks who aren't so Internet saavy to leave the site if it's *too* Flashy. We wanted to appeal to a younger crowd without overwhelming the old folks.

Charm - The idea on the pop-ups was two-fold. The two menu items that produce pop-ups are both supplemental to the property listings and the whole site actually. The idea is that when you are on a primary page, you don't leave it in order to get the supplemental information. Undtraditional perhaps, but functionally intentional. The second reason is that I didn't want any of the pages to scroll in 800x600 and I didn't want to have to cram a bunch of info into a tiny box with a tiny font so the pop-up gave me more Web Real Estate, if you will.

Thanks a lot guys for the input.

Dave Fore
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May 15th 2002#47924 Report
Member since: Aug 9th 2001
Posts: 2333
Yeah, as mentioned earlier, if i was to buy a hose, or look at models, i'd like to see lots of white and blues and subtle little buttons. This page (no offense, in my opinion) could look a lot like a porn site-type page. Black seems to be gone these days and makes people feel under the weather. Go white, and perhaps get rid of the cheesy 'agents'
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