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Apr 5th 2002#39622 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
ooooooooh! BUSTED!
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Apr 5th 2002#39631 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2001
Posts: 183
Man, he almost had me fooled. I knew there was something wrong when he put a file extension on the link! I knew it! Wra!!!!! Man, you have issues.
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Apr 5th 2002#39633 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019

u have ads popping up, top banner is an ad
maybe u should get a new host

and don't be taking credit for templates

Originally posted by Alias Cipher
this is a site that im actually gonna keep cuz
it turned out great and i like it
here it is
comments n e one?
DualFX Designs
i know taht there isnt n e content because i just started makign th site tonight aand finished just tonight
so theres nothing in it yet but give me a day or two and the site willl be up and running
oh yea
i did write the content for ur information
I realized taht since its a site and not a forum i should type properly
so i did

just read the rest of your posts on this, which means u speant the entire night downloading a template..and changing your website logo...probably copied and pasted that chromeless too!

lol @ getting caught...
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Apr 5th 2002#39634 Report
Member since: Feb 3rd 2002
Posts: 80
ouch...shot down!!
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Apr 5th 2002#39641 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
OOOOOOOH BUSTED!!! HAHA That is halarious! I seriously was about to say I really liked it. But I can't believe you did that... its just.... pathetic...
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Apr 5th 2002#39652 Report
Member since: Mar 8th 2002
Posts: 45
sweet lord... dawg... thats a crying shame. not even B.B King would stoop so low.
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Apr 6th 2002#39658 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019

u even put the site you got the template from in
your links section hahaha...

and u gotta make the links launch a new window
b/c they getting stuck in your stupid chromeless one :(
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Apr 6th 2002#39667 Report
Member since: Mar 29th 2002
Posts: 108
sad...templates should be banned from n00bies
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Apr 6th 2002#39771 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
i nec said taht did i dudes?

cuz since me used his template i didnt hide it

i linked him


sumoen plz quote where i said i made the template plz

cuz i musthave been like really tired if i said that

oh well

he designed template

i changes everything

and for a newb web guy thats kinda hard

so get off my case geez
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Apr 6th 2002#39772 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
ur a fool

if u make a nice looking template

dont u want credit for it?

well this guy did

and i gave it him

u must be a jackarse if u thought i tried to steal a template taht so many ppl no about alrdy


ppl gotta get off my case
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