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first website

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Apr 5th 2002#39559 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
this is a site that im actually gonna keep cuz it turned out great and i like it
here it is
comments n e one?

DualFX Designs
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Apr 5th 2002#39561 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
i don't think it looks that good... well for your first page it does...

but it just looks like a couple of graphics thrown together.

And who has written the content? not you i guess? :p
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Apr 5th 2002#39563 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
i know taht there isnt n e content because i just started makign th site tonight aand finished just tonight

so theres nothing in it yet but give me a day or two and the site willl be up and running

oh yea

i did write the content for ur information

i realized taht since its a site and not a forum i should type properly


so i did

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Apr 5th 2002#39566 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
you know? this forum is a site too!
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Apr 5th 2002#39568 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
but the forum part is more like a conversation area and discussion area

so its more like part of a site

get me?

or sumthin like that

iono im confusing myself

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Apr 5th 2002#39571 Report
Member since: Jun 1st 2001
Posts: 60
Er the point you appear to have missed whether this be a site, a forum, or a cafe.... is that we *shock* *horror*


lol :D
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Apr 5th 2002#39573 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
hmm...I just get "Error on page" when I click on the EnterHerePic..... :confused:
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Apr 5th 2002#39582 Report
Member since: Jan 21st 2002
Posts: 235
what exploroer u use?

i need to find out how to make my site compatible with all viewers

how do i do it?

sumone plz tell me
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Apr 5th 2002#39595 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
Oh dear... You' were lucky i was using IE.

Not bad, but you need to learn more about usability, typography, website concepts, storyboarding, etc, etc, etc....

Btw, what do you mean my what Explorer do you use?.. Browser you mean?

Btw, for best browser issues, check them on major browsers if possible, IE, Netscape-Mozilla, Opera

I just downloaded Mozilla and it pretty much works like Opera.
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Apr 5th 2002#39617 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893 you created that website all by yourself huh.....its looks a lot like template 23 on the illusive design site....

but by the sounds of your posts you made everything yourself.....:mad:
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