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Had some extra time....

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Mar 4th 2002#34376 Report
Member since: Aug 4th 2001
Posts: 134
is opera a popular browser?
keeps hearding about it nowadays
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Mar 4th 2002#34382 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
First of all, you should make your page fit the chromeless window! Now, I have to scroll twice.. Just make the page the same size as the window (or the window the same size as the page...)

Then, I would have removed the advertising (if you can remove it..)
And the scroll area is way too much up. Move it a bit down, so it wont overlap you graphics! (I hope this is not some error on my computer......)

Overall it's not so bad, but for my taste - a bit too bright colours ;)
But the colours match good, no complaints on that..
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Mar 4th 2002#34386 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Chromeless windows don't even work in Opera. It just looks like a pop-up window. Don't know about netscape though. Opera is getting more and more popular every day. It's the only browser I use, and Axiom and quite a few other people use it as well.

Chromeless windows are terrible not only because of the compatibility issues, but also usability. By using them, you are taking away the user's standard navigation tools. The address bar, the back button, the stop button, the forward button, refresh button, etc. They also can't see the status bar, telling them how much more is to be downloaded. They can't access their bookmarks or save the page... etc. It's basically the worst idea since Flash intros.
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Mar 4th 2002#34391 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Well one idea would have been to make a navigation bar on your own, with the basic tools ;)

But when you're using it without any of the tools, I agree - it wont be user-friendly at all.
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Mar 4th 2002#34393 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Duplicating all of the functions of the browser just so you can use a chromeless window is dumb. Just leave the browser the way it is, and worry about what goes on inside of it. Stop trying to get rid of it.
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Mar 4th 2002#34400 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
ok I agree...
But don't you have anything to say, x_fusiun_x ?
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Mar 4th 2002#34438 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
i think they chromless windows are cool looking but yes they are pointless....i left town for a day and i wasnt here to make changes so thats why the site is all messed up....on link to my site doesnt work any more and the other one is my crappy angel fire this whole site is working on a redesign (without chromless windows) and ill take all of your suggestions into consideration.....i should be posting an updated version here within a few check back....thanks...
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Mar 4th 2002#34450 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
First of all, you should make your page fit the chromeless window! Now, I have to scroll twice.. Just make the page the same size as the window (or the window the same size as the page...)

And the scroll area is way too much up. Move it a bit down, so it wont overlap you graphics! (I hope this is not some error on my computer......)

They reason for all those things being messed up is i forgot about the stupid ads on the page and it messed everything up....and becuase of the made the page bigger then it was suppost to be...and it moved the floating layers around because of the pages size change.....thats why it looks all messed up....its not my lack of tallent or your computer is just that angel fire thought i would clear that up...
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Mar 5th 2002#34453 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358

free,add free, ftp access,php supported.

No more ads messing up your layout.
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Mar 5th 2002#34460 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
wow.....those guys rule.....why didnt I know about them when i first started making been look for a host like this for a long time...thanks Czak....:D :D
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