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Decline Designs v4

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Jan 25th 2002#28344 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Sidefx, can you tell me where? I can't find any links with c: etc. on...I only find (example "about.html" and "img/splash.jpg"
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Jan 25th 2002#28347 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
hmm, deker do you have any idea on where I can find that?
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Jan 25th 2002#28348 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632

search for non tiling background or something like that.

search for CSS
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Jan 25th 2002#28353 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
ok I'll do it later, got to eat now..
Well, I have just made all the pages like the "about me" page now..
My website is now without annoying effects! ;-)
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Jan 25th 2002#28356 Report
Member since: Jan 19th 2002
Posts: 800
the image in the top left corner is a red X in a box- its linked to a c:\ drive
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Jan 25th 2002#28363 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
Ok, It should be fixed now. (Anyone wanna check?)
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Jan 25th 2002#28366 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
(You might need to update the window (right click > Update) to get the updated version with the image link working !)
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Jan 25th 2002#28375 Report
Member since: Sep 27th 2001
Posts: 152
And there is one more thing.... (Not getting rid of me yet)
Anyone got an idea about what I should put up on my site? I'm starting to get tired of the services/portfolio/gallery stuff, so something that everyone else haven't got would be great
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Jan 26th 2002#28417 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
I think you've fixed the C: linked images, but i do get javascript errors in the Portfolio when i mouse over the links

Btw, your top navigation could looks and have a smaller size if you'd slice them up and have them in GIF format instead of having them together with the header as jpg and using imagemaps...
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Jan 26th 2002#28452 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i don't really care for your nav bar
i don't like the fact that there are two
just stacked up on eachother...

The X's as mentioned earlier, are going to
need to be destroyed.

I think you have to much space from the header
and the actualy content, I don't like the background
to much, it doesn't really match the rest of the
site or the splash.
The colors match i'll give you that much...but
the images don't fit
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