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.... oranged?

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Dec 8th 2001#22789 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
fixed almost everything and ditched the 3d...
so i'm left with vector...

so what you guys think now??... anything to fix??
ignore the gibberish and the links don't work yet..

oppss.. the url
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Dec 8th 2001#22793 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
the colours are ok, i kinda like it, but try and get rid of some of the jaggy edges they kinda ruin it. I guess its pretty cool,
good work
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Dec 8th 2001#22795 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
thanks.. just keeping the site simple
err.. can you point out the jaggies??
can't really see any :D
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Dec 8th 2001#22803 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
It stretches in larger Res (i believe i'm using 1024768 on this comp, which is a pretty common resolution)

Hrm. I dunno if you should have that 2nd edge as a different hue of orage. Everything else is that specific shade of orange BESIDES that one.

On one hand it helps even more to keep that second section of text seperate from the first one, but it looks odd because theres nothing else to tie it into the site. Perhaps using that specific shade of orange in some obvious places in the site would be helpful?

If you look at the 'news and update' header edge, and look right slightly over to the left you can see that the orange angled piece has a bit of jaggies riding on its ass. Might want to fix that up.
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Dec 8th 2001#22808 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
thats the first positive post i've seen from you...
diff shade of orange... i'll get to that..thanks
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Dec 8th 2001#22811 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
errmm updated...
changed some of the colors, fixed that jagged edge
and it looks fine to me... i'm at the same resolution

anyone else with 1024x768 with the same prob??
and rename that image DPG, the forum censors such words
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Dec 8th 2001#22812 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
aaaggghh... stupid f2s... hahaha
i hate it when you can't upload files...

i'll update it again later,
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Dec 9th 2001#22821 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
Hey nice work, it's a lot better now! :D
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Dec 9th 2001#22831 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 3367
okay.. managed to get it uploaded..
so here u go..
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Dec 9th 2001#22845 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624

It still does that weird freaky stretching BS.

mwhaha the board renamed my file i posted. All my tmp files i name 'bull_sh!t" so i know to delete them w/o knowing what the file is. So it named it bull****.

Looks lots better with the other board now. It helps make the other one stand out w/o making it look out of place.

Um the corner needs to be fixed. It looks odd how the 2nd orange color just sort of ends.
(I copy and pasted the top to the middle of the page so i didn't have to post a big-ass image. I did a suggestion on how the corner might look better.
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