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Nov 8th 2001#20046 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
haha deker!!! i just caught that boobs remark now!!!

very funny and very true haha
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Nov 8th 2001#20062 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
my thoughts...

color scheme
I don't think the pink/maroon/gray is working. it feels heavy and clunky. it reminds me of a windows desktop color scheme (i think it is called 'brick'). i would re-think the colors. you can do a lot with even the limited web safe palette. look for colors that 'pop' (i'm not sure what i mean by that, i hope someone else does). look for some color combinations we haven't seen before.

great content! i feel like this is valuable information (which can be hard to find in this showcase forum as someone already mentioned). specifically, i found your bit on Illustrator 10 pretty interesting.

you got a hell of a lot of experience with a variety of software packages and technologies!

the page expands nicely for different resolutions. i like that.

i wish there was a little bit something more to wow me on the homepage. seems text heavy (good text! but a lot of it).

the little headers ('sotm,', 'design news', etc) aren't doing anything for me. they seem really plain.

the font doesn't seem to be a good fit. the slant of the letters is a bit off from the slant of the design elements. in addition, your site uses thick areas of color and the font is really thin. i think a heavier font and closer attention to the slants will help integrate the letters with the design better. also, you are using dark text on dark backgrounds (the menu and the little headers) and its creating an uninviting feeling.

in general, i don't really have a problem with the design. i think it is really clean and easily navigated. the thing is, it doesn't really wow me. i think that has more to do with the color scheme not the design.

hope this helps, if i think of more, i'll add it!
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Nov 8th 2001#20085 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
im gunna go on record as saying that the last post by charm should be used as "the web designers guide to making a professional web page"

they were all excellent points made towards the design of that web page (which i might add is pretty informative)

good job on everyones part haha
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Nov 10th 2001#20212 Report
Member since: Jan 1st 1970
Sorry Chris....didn't mean to ignore ya! Been REAALLLLY busy else where and haven't had much time in the forum!
Boobs? Nah, this the the SeeButts site, we need boooooteah!

Hard to add anything beyond the 'expert' advice already given, so I'll go for the soft-fuzzy stuff.... Personally, I don't have a problem with the color scheme--it works for me. Overall a very good site, hats off.

Opportunities? Aren't there always? I would suggest a little more "continuity" in the site. Individually I like almost all of the pieces, some of them just don't flow together well. You're working with angled headers in the wings, then the big table in the middle is blocky. You have angles in the banner, but they are slightly different in the banner nav area. The CBUTTS is on another slightly diff angle. I would suggest either keep the angles consistant, or go starkly contrast or opposite.

Again, well done Chris! I'm gonna go on record asking why outbreak is kissing Charm's butt? :D Just jokin' heheheh
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Nov 10th 2001#20215 Report
Member since: Nov 9th 2001
Posts: 12
Looks nice m8 but seems odd color to me :p butt hats personal
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Nov 10th 2001#20229 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I honestly wouldnt change the colors. I would change how you use them. Perhaps lighten or darken them a bit.

Charm mentioned colors that pop. Yes. To me, "pop" means it stands out. it hits you right in the face as the first thing you notice. But you have to be careful not to be too distracting. Otherwise, all that important content is nullified.

btw - what color am I?
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Nov 10th 2001#20230 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
well malibu, its all part of the big picture, and is important to all of us...

haha whatever that means
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