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new site im working on

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Aug 22nd 2001#14012 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I can make smooth animations in a GIF as well. True, I can't possibly do it like Flash can, but that really isn't the point. You can also compress music a lot of different ways than with Flash. And you don't have to use Flash to play music on a site. Though you do have to use it to sync an animation to the music. So if you are planning on doing that, then go for it.

I'm not saying your site isn't advanced enough to use anything. Use whatever you want. I'm sure you can make something very advanced. I really don't enjoy having words put in my mouth though.

But the point is, if you like Flash, then make a Flash site. There are a lot of people in the world that just adore Flash, so those people will, I'm sure, adore your site. However, I, along with 'one or two' other people, just don't get it. We're 'obviously' the stupid ones that don't know anything about the future of the web, so just ignore us.

As for you adding stuff to your site.... You posted the site in its current state, so I'm going to critique it at its current state. You can't post an unfinished site, and then have us imagine what it will be like when it's done. And from what you have right now, all it is is some bouncing red bars, and some music. Not impressive. I'm not saying that it won't be impressive when it's done, although I'm sure you will take it that way.

Either way, I'm the big dumbass still using 'out-of-date' HTML and animated GIFs. So who cares what I have to say?
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Aug 22nd 2001#14021 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
the world would be 100% more impressed by this exact same site if it was not done in flash. this can be an innovative html site or another mediocre flash site.

...well, lets be honest here. even in html it wouldn't be that innovative... point is that you can really wow the good designers out there by being truly innovative with the most common technologies. bad flash is bad flash ... and we can't 'view source' on your flash code (if we could we'd probably discover that your bad flash is actually horrible flash!)
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