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new site im working on

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Aug 21st 2001#13919 Report
Member since: Aug 15th 2001
Posts: 19
yes i know it is very large, and yes deker i know you hate flash, but i would apreciate comments on it. please not that it isnt finished yet.
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Aug 21st 2001#13921 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
I like your site alot. The loop get's annoying after a while though.

For your splash page... For some reason I don't like your splash image... not sure though...
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Aug 21st 2001#13922 Report
Member since: Aug 15th 2001
Posts: 19
yes it is a crappy music mix eh? im getting my dj friend to make something better for me. i will also be putting an option to turn the music off.

ps. you dont like my loading screen? can you please give me some suggestions on how to improve?
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Aug 21st 2001#13923 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Not finished?'s not even started?

But I like the loop. I feel as if though it fits the city-scape. It adds to it rather than taking something gives it a futuristic feel. That would be a good loop for a city-racing game. Although it is a little short, I would double the lenght of it. Add more to it so I don't have to hear that little split-chord every 16 beats. But I do love those soft chords in the background. They sound really good, which brings me to my next point. They sound a little too good. If you want to save on download time, then I would decrease the quality of the loop. It sounds like it's at 128kbps, where I would probably halve that. Also, have your friend smooth out the spot at the end of the loop. There is too much of a noticeable break in it.
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Aug 21st 2001#13930 Report
Member since: Aug 15th 2001
Posts: 19
hmm.. okay ill ask him
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Aug 21st 2001#13946 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
"i will also be putting an option to turn the music off. "

God bless you my child.
'music off' and 'skip intro' are my favorite buttons...
and who could forget 'click here for hot girl on girl action'!
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Aug 21st 2001#13947 Report
Member since: Aug 15th 2001
Posts: 19
not going to have an intro... i HATE intros....
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Aug 21st 2001#13979 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
Originally posted by Charm
"i will also be putting an option to turn the music off. "

God bless you my child.
'music off' and 'skip intro' are my favorite buttons...
and who could forget 'click here for hot girl on girl action'!

im going to have to agree with you on every single word in that post :D
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Aug 22nd 2001#14009 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I never said I hated Flash. I was very careful to not say that. I dislike 99% of every Flash website I've ever seen, which is very different.

Your web site doesn't even need flash. The only thing moving is those eq bars, and you could do that with a GIF. So there is absolutely no reason to do your site in Flash. (As of right now. You may add stuff later that would make sense to use Flash, but I really doubt any of it would be needed)

As of right this moment, it looks like just another web site using Flash because they can, not because it makes sense. If you actually did something that I never could have imagined with HTML, and that thing actually added some value to the site, then MAYBE Flash would make sense.

But anyway. We've already had this discussion.
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Aug 22nd 2001#14011 Report
Member since: Aug 15th 2001
Posts: 19
actually i said it wasnt done, so i will be adding some more to it, not just the bouncing bars. and also flash smooths out animations if you did not know. i also used flash to compress the music. And to address one of the things you said....

"You may add stuff later that would make sense to use Flash, but I really doubt any of it would be needed"

are you trying to say that you dont think my site will be advanced enough to need flash? or are you saying that i couldnt possibly code/design something that is worth of flash?

"As of right this moment, it looks like just another web site using Flash because they can, not because it makes sense"

i used flash to smooth out the animations on the eq bars (yes i know they are still choppy, thats because i only made 4 frames...). i also used flash to compress music which i mentioned up above. it sure as hell seems to make sense to use flash to me.

edit: one more thing i wanted to mention. i also want to let the user turn the music off by click on the eq bars.
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