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Aug 14th 2001#13045 Report
Member since: Jul 8th 2001
Posts: 180
looks great to me, I'm not going to repeat anything anyone else has already said tho, but I think the scroll on that main page scroll a lil too fast. might wanna slow it down just a little.
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Aug 14th 2001#13099 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Things to do...

- Lose the chinese characters.
- Make the Quick Nav more intersting ( Add bevel or something )
- Slow down the scoller
- Change font maybe on those PUberty and faq fonts.

did i miss anything???
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Aug 15th 2001#13228 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
hey man, it all looks good:

the eye in the top right
the green wireframed men in the header and in the iframe
the buttons that you filtered so they slowly fade out
your iframe is really nice and customized
though i dont know if both navigation systems are necessary but it would look cool. so your call on that one.

things you could improve:

not a lot, maybe just the japanese graphics which dont seem to fit very well. i'd expect to see them on some sort of japanese anime site, or something along those lines.

nice job!
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