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Aug 14th 2001#12963 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Well i have been hard at work on my site. I am making for school.
This is what i have com up with so far. I am no where near finished so dont tell me about the lack of content and the links not working.

Any comments welcome.
Ohh yeah, while i've got your attention. I have a problem if you fun you PC at 800 X 600 it is to wide and makes a horizontal scroll bar. And i know i will get marked down for this because it says. So does anyone know how i can cut it??? The problem is i wanna cut the left side not the right cause the left has empty space there. If you can help me.
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Aug 14th 2001#12965 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 27
hey man looks pretty good why the japanese characters tho? they dont seem to fit .

also to fix the res probelm just set your leftmargin="0" that way it will but up closer to the left side no cutting needed. and it should fit fine.
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Aug 14th 2001#12968 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
what's with all the empty space? it's kind of useless to have all that space and not use it. it's very wastefull.

Your rollovers are cute. That thing around they eye doesn't really fit. Killed the japanese/chinese lettering. It doesn't fit.

The text links don't work at all.

but, the load time is fast.
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Aug 14th 2001#12986 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Originally posted by PS6UsEr
I am no where near finished so dont tell me about the lack of content and the links not working.

Hmm dude
Did i so something to upset you??? Maybe you should have read. Ohhwelll i will try and do some fixing.
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Aug 14th 2001#12990 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Ohh yeah. I tryed the leftmargin="0" , it dont work, i already had it set to that. Any other ideas or commments.
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Aug 14th 2001#12995 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
I like the rollovers too. They're cool. And while the japanese characters look cool they don't fit, as others have said.

Suggestion: For the Quick Nav section, have it set inside a little, so there's a strip of dark background next to it's left, making it a box not a cut out piece. Maybe have a thin border around it.

I like the colors you chose. I like the 3D mesh guy, and once again the rollovers!

One thing, while I like the font you used, in a way it reminds me of monster slime, it's style and especially because it's also green. I know what you were going for when you chose it, I think it looks good but just has that conotation to it.

By the way, about your margin problem, I noticed when I highlighted the cells in your table, the QuickNav cell sticks out farther on the left than the rest of the table, which is probably why you can't get rid of that space. You need to move the left edge of that cell in next to the rest of the table. Then you shouldn't have a problem. And while you're at it you could change it the way I mentioned above.

I like how you've developed it so far, it's looking good, I'm anxious to see what you do with it next!
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Aug 14th 2001#13008 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Thnx Cable, i'll get right on it. Any other comments.
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Aug 14th 2001#13025 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 374
well overall, it looks great -- color scheme, navigation, and dhtml window all look awesome

i think you definitely need something where that blank space is. also maybe you can change the main "puberty" and "faq" font and make it something a little smoother. i wont say anything about the oriental font because im sure you've heard enough about that already, but i would suggest maybe giving the "quick nav" cutout a bevel or some kind of shape so it doesnt look like you just took out the background of a couple of cells of your table.

but the site is looking awesome so far, keep up the good work
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Aug 14th 2001#13027 Report
Member since: May 9th 2001
Posts: 399
very cool.....I really like the overall feel
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Aug 14th 2001#13044 Report
Member since: Jun 7th 2001
Posts: 99
I get nothing. NOT FOUND. Clicked on link AND Copy/Paste to new browser????
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