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DKDC Flash Webby

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Aug 8th 2001#12131 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 8
I'm in the process of making a website for my Counter-Strike onlin-gaming group...tell me what you think of it.

P.S. this is just a picture, not the actual .swf

DKDC website

*edit* id figure id explain what it is...the circles on the left will be letters. Example: Downloads would be "D" and Links would be "L." When you do a rollover, or bring your mouse over the letter "D" in the circle, a little movie would play in the big circle, and "Downloads" would show up. When you would click on the "D" the actual downloads page would come up on the white screen type thing...(kind of like a pop up tele screen what have you...) I hope i explained addequately...I hope you like.
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Aug 8th 2001#12135 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
he thats pretty tight...i l,ike the bacground with those men with the guns that rocks....keep it up an you should have one bad ass site in the end.
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Aug 8th 2001#12167 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
that looks wicked man, the soldiers or whatever in my background are looking good. can't wait for the swf.
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Aug 8th 2001#12208 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 8
me either :P it's tedious work thought...
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Aug 8th 2001#12221 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
yup, a lot harder than designing a site in html. and it takes a lot more time. and aswell im sure many of the team photoshop forum posters agree with me when i say that making a site in flash isn't as smart as making it in html. due to many factors though i wont get everyone started.
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Aug 9th 2001#12260 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 8
im not doin the html site, although we will be having both, my friend is making it...check the menu page out here:
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Aug 9th 2001#12292 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
looking good man. LIking the colour. Nice shiz man.
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Aug 9th 2001#12308 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
im liking it html site man. pretty sweet. except for the top left image, the one in the cross-hair is a little on the low resolution but its probably a screen shot from in the game so I guess you couldn't fix that at all. i like the navigation system, very unique and original.
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Aug 9th 2001#12347 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 8
Actually, that is a screenshot, it was from my friends old computer when he had a lil 2mb Open GL graphics wasnt purdy. He finally got a 64mb Top of the line card now, so he will prolly be redoing that image, and thanx for the feedback guys
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