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Aug 7th 2001#12071 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
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Aug 8th 2001#12149 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 5
Gee Brad I wonder what it feels like to be such a good designer, I wouldn't know though.

You must have really low self-esteem to sink so low as to pass off my work as your own. I never minded when you were using my **** to get a job but **** man this is ****ing lower than I thought you could go.

Funny thing is after all this crap I still consider us friends but you need to stop this ****. Your work is good enough on it’s own, so QUIT ****ING PASSING OF MY **** AS YOURS.
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Aug 8th 2001#12154 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 5
I forgot you helped put the lens flare in on the first picture, GOOD JOB!

Sorry for being so bitchy before, I really had no right in light of this new information.
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Aug 8th 2001#12178 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 163
I guess that guy is a bit pissed... Are we talking about saying that design is yours, while it is in fact of a good friend of you?

wow..that's low indeed

(no *** in my post )
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Aug 8th 2001#12224 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
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Aug 9th 2001#12238 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 5
I was at least kinda nice before.

Produce the PSD's then. Show everyone how you came up with it.
Now! Not in how ever long it takes you to fake something.

Where are these original concepts of yours. The one with the little equalizer bar that we NEVER USED, oh how stupid of me, that was pretty much the whole thing wasn't it.

How many people worked on it? Just you, wait and a flash guy (he's thrilled by the way), oh wait now me too, thanks for now including me when you get caught in a lie.

When is it going to be done? When is it due?

How come your linky up there broke now?
Don't you have a copy?

"I've been working on it for 2 months..." Are you still working on it? NO

"now the company is gone..." No you got laid off cause you weren't producing, we are very much alive.

How long have you been a web designer? 4 years. Lets see you're 21 that would mean you started when you were 17. Funny you never produced a professional page on your own until last year, and I think your title up until then was INTERN.

ACT AS IF MY FRIEND, act as if.

Great words to live by eh? You did notice that in the end of "The Boiler Room" all those liars were ****ed, weren't they. Selling vapor just like you.

You can take my $h1t off your personal page now too.

Is time warped? No just your mind.
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Aug 9th 2001#12310 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
:D thats all I needed for some evidence that John could have paid us 5 months ago. Thanks much. I am sure he will be appreciative of your contribution. Speaking of acting as if, maybe you should try working on your personality as well, instead of acting as a friend. Instead of screwing friends over. I just cant wait until they stop paying you and you get screwed over. Then we will see how the tables turn.
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Aug 9th 2001#12317 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 5
If you're not a liar and have nothing to hide why dear friend did you edit out all your posts.

Get a grip on reality.

Such a waste; you wasted our friendship with your misplace pride and arrogance, I hope it was worth it to get your ego stroked off.
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Aug 9th 2001#12325 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
Originally posted by HyvMynd
If you're not a liar and have nothing to hide why dear friend did you edit out all your posts.

Get a grip on reality.

Such a waste; you wasted our friendship with your misplace pride and arrogance, I hope it was worth it to get your ego stroked off.

nah, not at all. that wasn't the point at all. I just wanted you to admit that nemesis COULD have paid us, but simply lied. oh wait, heh, I guess I just did the same thing they did to us. now THAT's reality.
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Aug 9th 2001#12328 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 5
Is that what were talking about NOW?

If this is a case of "Last word wins," then congratulations I bow to your triumphant and righteous majesty.
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