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Aug 7th 2001#12015 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
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Aug 7th 2001#12016 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The intro is TIGHT and it blew me away! Also when the screen shook at that one point...

Im VERY VERY Impressed, I wish I could do that!!!!
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Aug 7th 2001#12022 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
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Aug 7th 2001#12038 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Yeah man that is phat. Nice work dude it looks awesome.
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Aug 7th 2001#12044 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
That is really tight man!
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Aug 7th 2001#12046 Report
Member since: Jul 25th 2001
Posts: 49
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Aug 7th 2001#12049 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
looks really good dpixel. really impressed, though i am with all of your work man. which version of flash did you us? 5 or 4?
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Aug 7th 2001#12051 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 32
what can i say... that design rocks everything looks good an goes long you been a designer?
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Aug 7th 2001#12056 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
Originally posted by Mr Danforth
...which version of flash did you us? 5 or 4?

Yeah I would like to know also :D
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Aug 7th 2001#12065 Report
Member since: May 21st 2001
Posts: 12
but it also looks as the work of big compagny .

but it is still a good job anyway
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