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Jun 17th 2001#6112 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
d00d thanks for the dictionary quote, real smart stuff -(

i dont really care - the point is, that 2 say everything is in compertition is just hmmm something that somebody with limited life experiance would come up with.....

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Jun 17th 2001#6119 Report
Member since: Mar 16th 2001
Posts: 2421
check your private messages please...
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Jun 17th 2001#6125 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
The dictionary has the correct, succinct, definition, why would I use another one?

Whipping out the ad hominem eh?

If two objects can be compared, measured against one and another, then they will compete. People will form an opinion. This one is better than that one because... I like this one more because... I like cats more than dogs etc...
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Jun 17th 2001#6132 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
ok d00d - whatever you say i dont actually want to fight

Seriously though i'm just not the kinda person who likes to compare everything, perhaps everything can be compared but why would you want to - thats really what i'm trying to get at, I just think if everything really was compertition the world would be a suck place to be.

later d00d

(err and thanks for the mail pank)
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Jun 18th 2001#6148 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
Well technically just about everything in the world is in competition with something else.. Darwinism you know.

It's not fighting, it's a difference of opinion. Which is what forums are for...Debating, discussion, arguements etc..

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Jun 27th 2001#6897 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
Originally posted by mufasa
flash - but not as we know it!!!

forget the stick figure )

You, yourself started the comparison/competition discussion. I disagree that this is anywhere close to as complicated as the stick figure flash, and you disagree with me. Fine, that's great. However, when you say things like '12 year old children say things like that', I will fall back to my old addage. Here it is. You ready?

"25 year old mama's boys who haven't gotten up from thier computer desk in 4 months always use the age difference of people as an argument."

I am 25 years old. You may be 30 years old or older. You may be younger than me. However, you have no idea who I am, thus accusing me of making statements because of my life experience or lack thereof is a grave error on your part. If you would like to continue to be 'that guy' go for it. I don't mind sitting back and giggling at your ignorance.

I made my statement based on what your statments were, my state of mind and my opinions on that flash.

1- I don't like flash sites as much as the next guy.
2- I think flash, when used properly is a very versatile tool.
3- I don't think 90% of the flash sites on the net have used it in a way that is advantageous. However, for them, it is cool an acceptable. For that, I salute them in being satafied with thier own work.
4- I am highly opinionated. You WILL at sometime or another disagree with my opinions and something I say. If so, please feel free to disprove my theories with cold hard facts, not the opinion of a child. I am not afraid to admit I am wrong. However, if I am attacked verbally by a lesser informed person, I will retaliate. You will NOT be pleased with the results of such retaliation.
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Jun 27th 2001#6909 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
bro - talk about making a mountain out of a molehill....
(grave errors - i will NOT be pleased...heheh are you going to come kill me in the night??)

anyway i never said anything about your life experiance or lack of it, i was talking about czak (mha) and he/she??? has done a fine job of speaking for him/herself ;)

at the end of the day none of this really matters - its just a forum and i crossed the line so i apologise for pushing your buttons.

(but that flash was way c00L - i do know flash, and that is some hell animation, but hey so is that stick figure flash (and they arent in comps :D ))
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