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site work in progress

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Sep 2nd 2002#67367 Report
Member since: Jul 11th 2002
Posts: 116

i still have some finishing touches to do, but id thought id post this to get some input.
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Sep 2nd 2002#67370 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
..two syntax errors.

The header is too filterTastic IMO, but the content-part is looking simple and clean. However, the thumbs and text are too close to the left border of the screen, makes me feel claustrophobic. :p

Oh, and what's with the three mile long scroll down? lol

Overall, it looks ok.
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Sep 2nd 2002#67373 Report
Member since: Jul 11th 2002
Posts: 116
filtertastic? i donno what thats suppose to mean.. only filter i used was motion blur..
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Sep 2nd 2002#67374 Report
Member since: Aug 31st 2002
Posts: 45
Not bad, fix the left margin, and the forever down scroll, and your off to a good start, I think.
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Sep 2nd 2002#67378 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2002
Posts: 1143
Its not the amount of filters that you used that makes it "Filtertastic" rather the way you have used them. I agree the header does look a little over worked. The scrolling needs to be looked at again. Colours and everything else seems alright
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Sep 2nd 2002#67380 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 671
Maybe a suiting background for the white part of the site.......
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Sep 2nd 2002#67413 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
yeah i agree.. with the filtertastic thing :D, I dont really like that blurred thing anyways... maybe replace it with something else like a stock photo or something... and i dont really think you need the scroller in the content area... just make it so that table expands when you add more stuf...

I think if you fix those things and knock the vertical scrolling down a bit then i think you will have a pretty good site... :D
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Sep 6th 2002#67953 Report
Member since: Jul 11th 2002
Posts: 116
ok i fixed some of the things you peoples said... and i edited the banner... i like it.
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Sep 6th 2002#68003 Report
Member since: Jul 18th 2002
Posts: 126
the banner's as big as the content! in 800*600 it's unreadable because of that...and in 1024 there's a slight vertical scroll that you should get rid of
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Sep 6th 2002#68038 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
I like it.. maybe make the text in your banner smaller and shrink its height a bit, and instead of the white background (it looks white to me.. if its not.. then its ie5's fault heh) use something with a happy texture maybe blue or something but I dunno, other than that I think its a good start
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