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Oct 9th 2001 | #18258 Report |
![]() Posts: 507 |
I agree with axiom, the good of the many outweigh the good of the few. Snore |
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Oct 9th 2001 | #18260 Report |
![]() Posts: |
I gotta side with Grassfolk on this one (wanna debate again, Ax?): Your statement that the government won't kill civilians intentionally is exactly what happened in Japan @ the end of WWII. In order to justify war, the action of force taken must be proportionate to the act of violence it goes against, and disciminate--only against the military (or terrorist) forces in question--we must never attack civilians intentionally. I think the two greatest tragedies of war in the history of the modern world were the Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany, and the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan. Now we have a new benchmark of terrorism, the World Trade Center--but even this grotesque act does not justify the use of nuclear weapons, the "collateral" damage (civilians killed) would be too monumental while running the risk of escalation to the destruction of all life on the planet, 'cept the ****roaches! I advocate the surgical extraction of this terroristic cancer from the planet, it may take a lot longer, but I like the idea of covert ops and special forces better. |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18312 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18327 Report |
![]() Posts: 414 |
Kayflash, I pity your views on the world. You are much too young yet to understand, therefore, I'll shall discount your beliefs as ludicrous nonsense with intent to start a heated debate. Which, I might add, you have succeeded quite nicely. You have told me that we should all respect each others beliefs. Thank God (yes...the one you deny) that you are not forced to live in a Taliban government, or the Nazi regime, or under Benito Musolini... thank God you were not a follower of Jim Jones or David Koresh. For you see, they had their own beliefs that they forced on others and resulted in significant loss of life. I understand you would have respected their right to their beliefs and would have taken no stance to save the victims involved. Furthermore, I am my own man, with beliefs that I stand strongly for, I will not yield from them until I am enlightened that they may not be correct. And you, my friend, will change eventually, we all do. It does not mean that we become pathetic sheep following the herd, it simply means that we grow to understand right from wrong and not some sugar coated childish belief that we can all just "work things out". If your ideas on how to resolve the problems without war are intelligent, not to worry then, present them and they won't be battered. Do you, as the initiator of this discussion, have the courage to present your ideas? As far as having a friend with a grandmother who was in a concentration camp....My grandmother is from South of Antwerp, Belgium, she was in more than one concentration camp, she watched a large number of her family tortured and killed. She ate bread made from rotten potatoes and carrots her family was forced to purchase on a black market. Their house was occupied by Nazi soldiers and she saw Adolf Hitler in person and the kind of evil he represented. Guess what......she supports the United States' actions. You see, her husband who died after 55 years of marriage, was one of the many Army infantrymen who saved, along with allied forces, her and her remaining family from the Nazi's. Thanks, Justin |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18331 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Time to start practicing what you preach don't you think? And as you have already stated, you are Canadian. So how can you say "we"? Just by saying that, you contradict yourself. Mainly because you have been preaching peace on earth, good will toward men non-sense since this thread started. Even in the last thread, you replied in a fashion that does not befit the "turn the other cheek" philosophy that preceeds all pacifists. So, where is the answer? How can you be so violent with your speach and be so peaceful? Let's hear it already. Everyday, I turn on C-Span to see some tree hugger thumping on a sign bitching about peace this peace that. All I hear coming from their mouths is "War is bad", "Don't kill more innocent people", "there are other ways to end conflicts like this". Oddly enough, I have never heard a solution from them. There is another way. That way has been tried. Let me say this so it is very clear for you. It has been policy since the threat of terrorism first loomed over our heads. The United States of America DOES NOT negotiate with terrorists. So spit it out. Let's hear your revolutionary idea of how to end all wars. I will get my information from someone who actually faught in a war before I take information from someone who was in a concentration camp. Why? Because he/she wasnt in the middle of the battles that went on. They, themselves had a whole other world of problems to go through, but they never saw the horror of war as my father and grandfather know it. I really think it's time you put down the Aldus Huxley now. If you were as "educated" as you make yourself out to be, you would know that the Bible is one of the most accurate historical documents ever written. Maybe there wasn't a guy who walked on water, or healed with the touch of his hand, but it's folklore. And folklore is one of the main mediums used to document ancient information. |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18335 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18337 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
No. That right there makes you a child. |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18339 Report |
![]() Posts: 414 |
Kayflash, I don't think you are childish, just some of your ideals and they way you convey them. That may sound mean, however, I was your age once and held several of your opinions, I have since outgrown them. I respect your opinions, I just strongly disagree with them. I enjoy the opportunity for debate, good ones like this, and I like the can of worms you've opened here. Lates, Justin |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18344 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
Ok, let's see: No, people are the problem. No faith encourages it's people to kill others, that's their own skewed interpretation of it. With that being said all those who take a Biblical stance should realize that God does sanction war when it's necessary. Are we talking about terrorists here or people who have faith in something in general? I won't comment on that till ya clarify. So I guess my question is, what's your answer? I mean, we can't make up for past behavior, the US has done what it's done, some of it good and some of it not. However you might feel about that is irrelevant. But now, what do we do? Chris |
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Oct 10th 2001 | #18356 Report |
![]() Posts: 1109 |
Kayflash: i'll say it again: you obviously can't see the difference between a military carrying out strikes against strategic targets and a hijacked airplane hitting an office building. that's scary. i think we know that in war innocent people will die. but the US is not directing its attacks at civilians. "I don't fear death as it's not a punishment but a release." This is a frightening statement. Sounds like you are about to hang yourself or strap a bomb to your chest. What are we going to sit down with these people and discuss? what can we negotiate? Everyone: Theres no point in quoting holocaust survivors to prove anyone's point. The opinion of one relative or a friend does not help to support any argument. in addition, trotting them out to help prove our points is unfair and insensitive. we will never truly understand what they have been through. |
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