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Oct 7th 2001 | #18089 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 7th 2001 | #18099 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
They will continue to be bombed and No
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18106 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18108 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
What are you talking about Kay? I said what will happen. We will keep bombing them. We're not going to stop now after we started. It was not an opinion, it was a fact. And since you obviously aren't watching the news, an Afghan CNN news anchor in North Afghanistan has stated that no civilians have been killed. Don't blow up over something little that I said Kay. If I had said "BLOW THEM UP AND DON'T STOP", then you can flame me all you want, but until I state a definitive opinion about what I think "SHOULD" happen, keep your mouth shut. EDIT: I was just thinking, so I had to come back. You obviously don't understand, but if we DON'T do anything about what they did, they are not going to stop. Too many people don't realize they the World Trade attack was not a 1-time deal. Our government has a duty to protect it's people from this happening again. For us NOT to go over there and attack would be stupid. And I would appreciate it if you brought your maturity level up a bit and keep from using swear-words to display your feelings toward me. THAT pisses me off when people feel the need to swear at me. If you are "sooooo" peace-loving, then act like and don't swear at me in anger. Enough said for now. |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18111 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Well said matt.
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18121 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18135 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
two counts of the word s h i t y. As for this whole argument, I thought we already discussed this. 1 - You asked two questions. "what do we think is going to happen now?" It was answered simply. We will continue to bomb them. Question one has been answered fully. "is this the end of the world as we know it". Open your eyes. The world as we knew it ended a long time ago. Much longer ago than just last month, or last year, or last decade. This is a culminating event that began a long time ago when terrorists hijacked an american plane and held the passengers ( all american ) captive for almost 2 years. The "war" on terrorism started back then. As for you being a so-called peace activist, I venture to guess that if your freedom was threatened, you would change your tune. I even bet you would be on the front lines helping to secure your ability to speak freely against government officials and practice your own religion. If you wouldn't stand up for your rights, despite the collateral damage, I truely feel sad for you and your country. Hey, maybe the United States will bail you out of that one like we did with the French countless times. The honest to goodness truth is this. Everytime there is a major conflict and the United States and it's allies come out as the victor, the country only becomes a better place to live. Examples : 1 - US vs Great Britain. Before our victory over the british, we were being taxed with no representation in Parliment or the House of Commons. Afterwards, we are still being taxed, but we at least get to vote for our leaders. 2 - WWI. We rebuilt France. We Rebuilt Germany ( they started the war, and we still helped them ). Sure there were military sanctions applied to them, but it had to be done. Unfortunatly, peace time offerings did nothing but enfuriate a madman to the point of where he would kill hundreds of thousands of jews for the sheer enjoyment he got out of it. 3 - WWII/Europe. After we beat the crap out of Germany, Italy and Spain, we help to rebuild those countries. Now look at them. Thriving economic institutions in the world economy. And these are the people who were against us. We also rebuilt France again. Yet the French still harbor resentment towards us, but that stems from the fact that they are still a socialist country with ties to other facist countries. 4 - WWII/Japan. Oddly enough, Japan suffered the heaviest losses to the United States because of the detonation of two nuclear devices over two of their major cities. Yet Japan is a country who strives to be more like the United States everyday. They are more like us than anything else. Plus the owe us a ****load for making their economy what it is today. Although it is in a slump, just like the United States, It is still one of the most powerful economic forces in the World Economy. Sure, they can't wage war with their own army, but their citizens are allowed to join United States military to protect their own country. Now, with all these evil, senseless wars, point out once instance where sitting and talking over a cup of tea and crumpets would have settled anything. You can't. Because eventually you will have to realize that some people don't listen to talk. Bin Laden has made his demands. Despite proof being put right in front of their faces, and Bin Laden openly admiting he orchestrated the bombings, the ruling government of Afganahstan still harbors him, showing that they have absolutly no intention of cooperating. I stand by the president Bush's decision to bomb strategic targets. People are going to die. If they die in bombings, who are you going to trust? The guy on the end of the camera who happens to be an American reporter? Or maybe you will beleive the people who have an even bigger reason to lie to the news media about civilian death. Truth of the matter is the Taliban doesn't give a damn if we kill civilians or not. Didn't you see the report of them using the soccer stadium that the international community ( the US was part of this ) built for them? Yeah. They were assasinating innocent and innocent men right in the stadium we built. After showing this footage to one of the Taliban leaders, he was asked why was this stadium being used to kill people and not to play soccer in. His reply. "If the international community wants to come build us a place to kill people, we will play soccer there." I guess you can talk to people like that. I guess you can convince them with words that terrorism on any scale, by any country is wrong. |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18138 Report |
![]() Posts: 366 |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18139 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
War solves nothing huh. So the colonies from the what would become the United States sending representatives to address Parliment in Great Britain solved everything? Odd. Seems to me Benjamin Franklin ended up coming back to the colonies because they refused to even hear him out. We tried to talk. War was the only answer. Guess what, you and I have our freedom because of it. Refer to previous statement. Then include negotiations with countries like Libiya ( known to harbor terrorists ). Don't forget Panama. They were given 10 years to turn over their dictator. Let's not also forget the one time that talking did work. Cuban Missle Crisis. However, the United States was required to show some force, but not more than 10 shots were fired. So there goes your whole "we have never tried argument" out the window. Let's see if I can knock you off your other leg. Being mature has nothing to do with it. Perhaps when you mature a little, you will understand that some times show of force is a requirement. Think back. Way back. Since 1993, the United States has been negotiating with the powers that be in afganastan. We knew that's where he was. Yet after all that talk, noone wanted to give him up and he is still capable of carrying out acts such as the ones on Sept 11. The Taliban was recorded multiple times saying that Bin Laden could have had nothing to do with the attacks. Yet when they were faced with him admitting to the attacks, they did nothing. All they asked was for proof from the United States for him to be tried in a court of law. When the proof smacked them in the face, they stood beside the #1 enemy of the United States. They are now our enemy. Do you find pleasure in sitting down to talk with liars? It seems you do. If you want the leaders of the free world to sit down and talk with a group of liars, then you must be one poor gullible child. I pity you. |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18140 Report |
![]() Posts: 414 |
There are no easy answers. We are all entitled to our own opinions. Mine is: As much as I would love to see the terrorist situation resolved without bloodshed, I must agree with retaliation in this case. We are NOT like the terrorists, they have no regard for life unless it falls within their beliefs, and are willing to kill all who oppose. That includes people who take a "peace loving", "anti-war" stance. People supporting these attacks believe (as I do) that terrorism will continue until something is done to stop it. Kayflash, how many people do you want to see die from terrorist attacks before you remove your rose colored glasses. Do you understand that these people desire to dominate the world with their beliefs, and are willing to stop at nothing until they reach their goals. They are relentless, they have no desire to negotiate what they stand for. Their perverted belief that God wants all who do not believe in their faith dead is what drives them and they will continue to kill until they are stopped. Kayflash, this is not meant to offend, as you grow older your views start to change, at 19 I had a very limited knowledge of the way the world works, at 29 I have experienced two wars as an adult, served in the military, got married, had children, been through more financial and marital problems than I would like to admit and now realize that I have a heavy set of obligations to protect. I can no longer live life with the point of view that force can be avoided in all situations. The US and it's allies are not just "killing" innocent people. We are targeting areas occupied by terrorists and Taliban forces and attempting to protect the public in the process. Unfortunately, as in all conflicts, a certain number of innocent people will die. The general majority in Afghanistan are not in favor of Taliban rule. The Taliban are a vigilanty group who murdered their leader and forced a set of values on a populous who did not want them. A set of values I'm sure you, if you have educated yourself, would not want forced upon you. What all my rambling boils down to is: If we do nothing, we can continue to enjoy having people killed in surprise attacks and run the risk of having our children killed....maybe even having our wives placed in long robes and forced to give up their careers and lives to worship a deity they don't believe in and running the risk that they will be killed if they deviate from the set path. Kayflash, I understand you oppose war. However, with such a strong stance against it, you have not provided us with an alternate solution to such a serious problem. Terrorism can one day affect you personally. What are your ideas to avoid that? and to cure the already spreading disease? Remember, peace is good, and we should all pray hard for it. However, standing idly by while we are bullied by a terrorist is not the time to say "stop the madness, stop the fighting". You may have your opinion, however, slamming somebody for simply answering your question is quite harsh. As far as "Is it the end of the world as we know it?", who's to say really. Try reading these: Matthew 24:3-4, 7-8, 37-38 Genesis 12:1-3,7; 6:5-8 Jeremiah 23:7-8 Daniel 12:4; 7:23 2 Thessalonians 2:11 Revelation 13:16-17 I am not a Bible scholar by any means and only in the infantile stages of Christianity so, read for yourself and ask someone you trust to help you understand. Thanks, Justin PS-"So stay awake and be prepared, because you do not know the day or hour of My return" Matthew 24:13 |
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