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CSSEdit 2 from macrabbit |
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Nov 7th 2006 | #175267 Report |
![]() Posts: 672 |
http://macrabbit.com/cssedit/ Anyone know about this app? I might be interested in getting it... I'm not a complete noob with CSS, but I still have to figure out how to write a site just with CSS... and I heard this app was good to learn, but is it good to elarn how to build sites in CSS (like a 3 columns webpage) or is there something better. Just wondering. |
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Nov 7th 2006 | #175268 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
I used the older 1.5 version for a while, but didn't like having to use a separate app for CSS, and then another one for HTML. And I know CSS well enough to write most of it by hand. It does have good auto-complete though. I just wish it could be more integrated into another application like TextMate.
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175280 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
Deker, you use TextMate? I'm using the trial version right now and it's pretty slick. Has anyone used BBEdit, I'm also using the trial version for that as well. Any thoughts on some good apps to code in? Cheers! |
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175282 Report |
![]() Posts: 2237 |
I love BBedit, been using it for years and have never looked back.
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175284 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
BBEdit seems really good man, but it's a bit complicated for me to work with, but then again, it might not be as complicated as I think it is. I often have a hard time working in areas I'm not too familiar with until I really have time to play with the app. But time is something I'm running short of these days. Not enough time to do what needs to be done. So far, BBEdit seems pretty good and we'll see how it works throughout the weekend, as I'll finally have some time to play with it. Cheers! |
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175286 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
Yes I use TextMate, by far the best text editor I've ever used, and I've used just about all of them available for the Mac and have purchased licenses for at least 4 of them. But nothing beats TextMate.
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175287 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
Yeah, TextMate seems easier to handle for some reason. It has a nice feel to it and from watching the tutorial video online, it looks really good and able to handle alot of stuff. I'm still looking at the trial so we'll see how it goes. I'm just wondering how much someone needs in an app to get the job done, or how much I actually need, to get the job done. On a side note here and a bit off topic. I had a question that maybe someone can share some insight on. I finally hooked up a digital camera to my Mac and I noticed it doesn't show up as a drive. It opens in iPhoto, but I thought it would just open in Preview and I could just save my pics that way. Is there a way for it to show up as a drive or to be mounted somehow so I can just transfer the pictures without going through iPhoto? Is there also a better image viewing app for the Mac, so I can rename photo batches/sets and actually just see stuff I've worked on that has movemen, like an animated .gif? On the pc I used to use ACDSee and I liked it as a viewer, but I'm not sure if there's something out there for the Mac. I've also looked at irfanview, but I just want something that I can shoot my pics to real quick. Any suggestions? Thanks a million. Cheers! |
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Nov 9th 2006 | #175292 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
There is a program called Image Capture in the Applications folder that you might like better for just dumping pictures. But I always use iPhoto, personally.
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Nov 10th 2006 | #175293 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
There is a big nerd argument in the comments on this site about which is better. I haven't read all the comments 'cause I already know which one I like, but I'm sure you can find out more info than you ever wanted to know here: http://nslog.com/2006/11/08/textmates_undo/
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Nov 10th 2006 | #175294 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
Deker, That debate is interesting. I read through many of the posts and started falling asleep when I was getting towards the end. It seems more like attacks on each side are coming in and people wanting to express their personal opinion on how they work and what works for them. But there are some valid points in favor of TextMate and it seems that BBEdit isn't' all that it's made out to be, of course depending on what people use it for. But there's one guy on there who just uses it to write text, not for programming. Why spend the cash on BBEdit just to write? I have no idea. One person who posted linked to another article where they talked about TextMate and there's a statement on there that I really liked. It said the following: It's from Rands in Repose. I kinda feel like that in alot of areas. Where I didn't grow up with some of the stuff that's been around for a while, like a Mac. I wish now I had plugged into a Mac but I wasn't really into the tech world and now I'm just catching up. It seems like for what I do, I could use a basic text editor. I don't do some of the stuff these guys are debating about like using macros, or snippets, php or that C+ stuff man. I do basic xhtml and css and I only do frontend coding. Nothing maor. I love to design and do more print work, but I liked working on the web as well. I think I just might stick with TM and see how things go. Plus you can't beat the price, and with my shortage of cash due to school and all, I can't fork out what BBEdit costs anyway. There are a few other editors mentioned in the debate, but I haven't checked them out. By the way, what is sv? Someone said: What was is that about? I've just been trying out Transmit, but I'm not aware of what SV is all about. Any info on that? It was a good read and I think I'll just keep using both and running both apps to decide which I'll stick with. I wish the trial was longer though, because I'm short on time so I can't play with the apps much right now until Christmas break. At any rate, thenks for linking me to the information and if you can tell me what SV is about that'd be great. Cheers! |
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