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Who is the real enemy of Americans?

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Nov 18th 2004#162933 Report
Member since: Nov 2nd 2004
Posts: 4
1200 Americans killed in iraq.
3000 Americans killed by osama bin laden.
40000000 Americans killed by abortionists.

Who is the real enemy of Americans?
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Nov 18th 2004#162934 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
religion is.
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Nov 18th 2004#162935 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
whatever happened to talking about computers and photoshop on this forum?
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Nov 18th 2004#162936 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
haha.... I have to agree with deker on this one, but none the less here is my take....

What happened to people just getting along and realizing that we are different and respecting that. I think the entire world just needs to grow up, stop fighting, and stop bitching about trivial bull****...
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Nov 18th 2004#162940 Report
Member since: Apr 4th 2001
Posts: 274
[QUOTE=roy1928]1200 Americans killed in iraq.
3000 Americans killed by osama bin laden.

Who is the real enemy of Americans?[/QUOTE]'

This text should be enough. Americans would still be the answer. Not everybody, but some few who flunked Foregin Politics.... but I still would like to give the Americans a chance. That is; travel to Canada and have a peek over the border. :P

And NL told me to say:
"that people choose for abortion... that it arent innocent people getting murdered. That it isn't a threat for america."

I have no idea what that means, but that's NL for u. Rambling away about something. He is too political. Write your own post dammit.

What was the question?
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Nov 18th 2004#162941 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
hahah, thanks for quoting me grums... and good to see you back in action.

What I meant was that I find it funny how he connects terrorists, soldiers and doctors to eachother.

In my eyes, people choose for abortion and arent attacked, dragged into the bushes and get out of the bushes without their baby. Its a choice, so I dont think you can speak of an enemy. But whatever.
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Nov 18th 2004#162942 Report
Member since: Jan 14th 2003
Posts: 942
[QUOTE=*NL*]religion is.[/QUOTE]

Bwahaha.. good one.

But you hold religious values yourself, everyone does. We're all intolerant of different things. You're intolerant of religion, i'm intolerant of people stupid enough to think that religion is the enemy of America.

I mean, at the very least.. EXPLAIN YOURSELF. Don't just spout off a two word sentence fragment.

What I meant was that I find it funny how he connects terrorists, soldiers and doctors to eachother.

In my eyes, people choose for abortion and arent attacked, dragged into the bushes and get out of the bushes without their baby. Its a choice, so I dont think you can speak of an enemy. But whatever.

Yes, so it's not the abortionists that are the problem, it is the mothers killing their babies.

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Nov 18th 2004#162943 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
[QUOTE=Nostalgia]But you hold religious values yourself, everyone does. We're all intolerant of different things. You're intolerant of religion, i'm intolerant of people stupid enough to think that religion is the enemy of America.

I mean, at the very least.. EXPLAIN YOURSELF. Don't just spout off a two word sentence fragment.

Yes, so it's not the abortionists that are the problem, it is the mothers killing their babies.[/QUOTE]

Why I mentioned religion, is because i'm sure thats why roy1928 is against abortion.

I have no problem at all with religion. Well, maybe with extremists, that can't bare people that aren't religious. And in a way I believe different religions might be a threat to any part of the world, that is something history has proven time and time again. But lets not even go there.

kill1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kl)
v. killed, kill·ing, kills
v. tr.

To put to death.
To deprive of life: The Black Death was a disease that killed millions.
To put an end to; extinguish: The rain killed our plans for a picnic.

To destroy a vitally essential quality in: Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat.
To cause to cease operating; turn off: killed the motor.
To tire out completely; exhaust: “The trip to work, and the boredom and nervousness of jobs, kills men” (Jimmy Breslin).
To pass (time) in aimless activity: killed a few hours before the flight by sightseeing.
To consume entirely; finish off: kill a bottle of brandy.
Sports. To prevent a hockey team on a power play from scoring during (a penalty).
To cause extreme pain or discomfort to: My shoes are killing me.
To mark for deletion; rule out: killed the story.

When you read that, I can nothing but agree with you that the mother is a killer. She puts something to death. But you can still argue the fact if an embryo has to be seen as a human, or not.

I am of the opinion that any mother should be able to choose for abortion.
What about females that are victims of sex crimes? Teenage moms?
Noone in their right mind would say a child can grow up normally in a weird enviroment like that. I'm sure you're going to say that it's their own fault, and that teenagers should always use protection, and that is true. But accidents still happen, I don't think its fair to let someone pay for an accident like this for the rest of their life.
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Nov 18th 2004#162948 Report
Member since: Apr 20th 2002
Posts: 3000
Abortion. Let's throw out the usual rhetoric about rape, teenage mothers, religion; we already had enough redundancy already thanks to the presidential debates (I forbid everyone from starting a political debate in this thread, esp. Nos).

The idealist's answer would be that there shouldn't be an enemy of Americans, or any other human subgroup for that matter. Saying that the enemies of Americans are Americans themselves would lead us into a vicious ouroboros. How can one be an enemy of oneself? How can one be a friend of oneself? Is it possible to be able to treat yourself as the father, mother, son, daughter and spouse of oneself?

Now let's say that abortion killed this many people, a great deal larger than the number of people killed in the War on Terror (by few orders of magnitude at least). So does this make abortion, both the practice and practitioners enemies of the Americans? Let's say it does. Now let's take another cause of death of Americans. Hmm, how about disease? Then are diseases the enemy of Americans? Should pharmaceutical companies take the heat because they have not yet developed proper treatment for fatal illnesses? How about smoking and lung cancer? Shall we prosecute cigarettes? Or even the tobacco companies who now have taken root in the charity and education sector so that the collapse of the tobacco empire will also be detrimental to organizations benefiting from the financial support of the above said companies?

Define enemy for us. If it's someone or some group that deals death to another party, then yes, abortionists are guilty. Following the same logic, murderers, too, are enemies of Americans. Drug dealers are enemies of Americans as well. Let's ask Oxford what they think an "enemy" is.
noun (pl. enemies) 1. a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. 2. (the enemy) treated as sing. or pl. a hostile nation or its armed forces in time of war. 3 a thing that damages or opposes something: routine is the enemy of art.

Therefore, an enemy is any person(s) who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. This definition is definitely broad, as it will encompass anyone that acts with malicious intent, regardless if they committed homicide or not. Americans are victims to swindlers, thieves, con-artists, et al. who then become, by definition, the "enemy" of Americans.

Of course, this is definitely not the case; there has to be a fine line differentiating legitimate enemies and those who are not. Since roy1928 spoke of Americans as an absolute, an enemy must target Americans as a whole, which abortionists do not. Their victims, or patients, depending on what your position is on the subject, are seen as a person, not the people. Abortionists do not go out and seek out potential mothers because of the fact that they are American, but that they requested help. *NL* touched upon it earlier that he found it amusing that roy1928 linked terrorists, soldiers, and doctors. Oh wait, quick, nostalgic SAT moment: Is TERRORIST:AMERICAN SOLDIER::ABORTIONIST:AMERICAN PERSON? Q.E.D.
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Nov 20th 2004#163033 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
I'm going to take a different stance on this, than the usual person.

One of population control.

Fact of the matter is, there are far too many people living on the face of this planet. There isnt enough froom for us to grow out, so we started growing up. We've placed unknown stresses on the earth because of the poplation explosion's of the past 20th century. No, I am not an environmentalist. I am a realist.

People are starving because there isn't enough food. There isn't enough food, because there are too many people. It's natures way of getting rid of a few of you. Natural Selection, if you will.

So 40 million americans arent alive today. That's 40 million mouths we don't have to feed. 40 Million welfare/social security checks we don't have to mail. 40 Million people we don't have to figure out where we will house. 40 Million jobs that are open for someone else.

Yeah, it's probably a really harsh way of looking at it, but you know what? We have enough assholes on this planet, we don't need anymore.
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