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Illustrator Color Management Policies

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Aug 29th 2006#174448 Report
Member since: Aug 14th 2006
Posts: 8

What's the best way to leave my Color Management Policies in Illustrator CS2's Color Settings? The language is somewhat convoluted so I don't understand exactly how I should leave them for the best result.

I work at a large-format printing company, and we handle a wide variety of files all day long.. should I leave it to 'Preserve Embedded Profiles' or should I have it ask each time? Is there a good rule of thumb to follow? :confused:

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Aug 30th 2006#174454 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
This is something I have to deal with on a daily basis as well, not in illustrator as much as photoshop but its something we deal with.

The problem being, if they have an embedded color profile that conflicts with my print settings the output suffers... however, if you discard the embedded profile you stand the chance of having an output that look nothing like they expected.

so its a crapshoot, I generally preserve the embedded profile and print a proof... If they are happy with it, so be it.. if they aren't I discard their profile and use our normal color prifile.

I know that really doesn't "answer" your question, but thats about all I have in dealing with customer files, pertaining to color profiles.
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Aug 30th 2006#174461 Report
Member since: Aug 14th 2006
Posts: 8
Yeah, I figured it'd be something like that.. that's usually how we handle em too, but I was hoping there'd be some sort of 'magic bullet' that would explain why one method would be better than the other, for whatever reason. heh

Thanks for the help, I guess we'll just keep pluggin along as we have been.

Have a good one
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