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Problems with Auto-Align and brushes in CS4
Jan 28th 2009 | #188275 Report |
Member since: Jan 28th 2009
Posts: 2
Hey guys I just got CS4 installed and my two main problems so far are that when I use a brush size above 300 it doesn't give me the "circle" brush icon. It gives a half circle and then the brush circle just disappears and I am left wondering how much of the image I am going dodge/burn/etc. Any idea why the brush circle would disappear after brush size 300?
The second issue I am having is the Auto-blend tool... I am using it to blend multiple images with different focus points into one image(increased DoF) But it is doing a REALLY poor job of masking the images so as to keep the sharpest points visible. I have a landscape photo with the fore-ground mid-ground and back-ground in focus. But for some reason auto-blend is using the details from the foreground image where background image should be used... Is there a way to have more manual control of auto-blend?
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Feb 3rd 2009 | #193829 Report |
Member since: Jan 28th 2009
Posts: 2
Bump to the top of all that spam... Anyone?
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Feb 19th 2009 | #196288 Report |
Member since: Feb 19th 2009
Posts: 2
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