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Need help with coloring drawing/font |
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Oct 7th 2001 | #18043 Report |
![]() Posts: 5 |
I was wondering if anybody could help me out here (I must have this thing done by 14 days, so if anyone can reply real fast, that would be great...). Okay, I have a graffiti type drawing that I need to color in and add effects and whatnot to. I was wondering about some things (I'm using 5.5)... First, should I scan using line art or gray? How do I add outlines in Photoshop to the drawing? And how could I add a texture onto it? Also, if anyone could give me any tips on what else I can do to make this look excellent, I'd be VERY thankful... |
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Oct 7th 2001 | #18069 Report |
![]() Posts: 2237 |
Well bbruce, This is something I do very often. I will take this time to give a run down. This will be long and drawn out so, those of you that aren't interested.... should stop reading now. First...Preparing and coloring the hard lines. Make your scan in "grayscale" (NOT RGB, or bitmapped lineart) go in the levels pallet (CTR+L ) and move the white and black sliders inward to increase the contrast, and clean up that artwork using the eraser, paintbrush and pencil tools till the artwork is spotless. After the artwork is spotless change it to RGB color mode and select all your black lines of the art by pressing CTR+ALT+1 (selects the white areas) Then CTR+SHIFT+I (inverts the selection) and finally CTR+J (creates a new layer from the now selected "black lines") Name that new layer "Lines" >>IN THAT ORDER<< Now you can delete the background layer...or like I do, fill it with white to have a nice white background to work on. Doesn't really matter since your artwork lines are on their own layer now. To color your outlines, with the "lines" layer active just press the foward slash button (/) this will turn on "preserve transparency" Now you can go wild with the paint brush and paint your lines what ever color you wish, without painting outside of your artwork lines. Second....Filling areas with color. For maximum flexibility, each seperate color should have its own seperate layer. Start by adding a new layer behind the "Lines" layer. ( I usually name the layer the color I am going to use on that layer) Start by making sure "preserve transparency" is turned off. Then select your lasso tool and select the basic area you want to fill. You don't have to be all that careful because the thickness of the lines will cover up small inperfections. Fill your selection with your chosen color and create the next area to be filled. Just remember, when you change colors.... make a new layer. As long as you keep the color fill layer behind the "Lines" layer it will look cool. Third....Highlights and shadows To add depth to you image you'll need to add shadows and highlights to your color layers. This is VERY easy, select your color layer- turn on preserve transparency. (this will keep you from painting outside the designated area) Now with the eyedropper tool get a sample of the color you have used. (in the case it isn't your forground color any longer) Now set the airbrush options to "screen" (for highlights) or "multiply" (for shadows) Just paint in the highlights and shadows.... in the event you mess up, set the paintbrush options back to normal and paint over your mistake. Forth....Textures Adding texture to your artwork is easily done by using the built-in filters in photoshop. Take one of your color fill layer and duplicate it. Notice "preserve transparency" is turned off on the duplicate layer....Turn it back on ( press / ). Apply >>Filter>Noise>Add Noise at an amount of like 60 or so. Now run a slight gaussian blur, >>Filter>Blur>Gaussian Radius 0.6 or so.... (not too much though) Next apply >>Filter>Stylize>Emboss This will rob all the color from your texture layer.... but don't worry, just select a blend mode for that layer, hard light, overlay, difference.... play with them see what you like. I hope this helps.... If I missed something.... and you get stuck, gimme a yell. |
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Oct 9th 2001 | #18207 Report |
![]() Posts: 5 |
Thanks a ton for the help, Torn! I'm going to start coloring it in now.
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