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How to fade brushes/lines question?

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Jun 15th 2008#179993 Report
Member since: Jun 15th 2008
Posts: 3
I was wondering if some could tell me how fade lines at the tips using just the brush settings, I was able to do it before and now I cant figure how to do it again. I am using CS3. Thank you for your help.

This is an example of what I'm talking about. (The line in the sky) I just need to know how to fade the line not add any of the color.

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Jun 15th 2008#179995 Report
Member since: Sep 28th 2006
Posts: 109
You would almost certainly need to be using a pen and graphics tablet to do this in Photoshop.

However, looking at you sample, I suspect that this particular "Brush Stroke" has been made using Paths rather than a brush. The lines look too perfect for it to have been hand drawn with a brush.

Here's an example of it drawn using a path.

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Jun 15th 2008#180001 Report
Member since: Jun 15th 2008
Posts: 3
Oh Yes, I used the brush stroke using a path I did not do it by hand, but I wanted to know what are the settings for the brush to make it fade at the tips, that way when I click stroke path it will look like the one you did, and the one I did. Thanks in advance.
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Jun 15th 2008#180002 Report
Member since: Sep 28th 2006
Posts: 109
Dudenow12 said:Oh Yes, I used the brush stroke using a path I did not do it by hand, but I wanted to know what are the settings for the brush to make it fade at the tips, that way when I click stroke path it will look like the one you did, and the one I did. Thanks in advance.

I did not use any special setting when stroking the path I had created for my sample. I converted my path to a selection, which I then applied a small amount of Refine Edge to, then I just used a 1 pixel hard round brush to stroke the selection and filled the interior with a gradient.

I find you get a softer result if you convert the path to a selection and stroke that, rather than just stroking the path.
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Jun 15th 2008#180003 Report
Member since: Jun 15th 2008
Posts: 3
Ahh... Ok, So how do I convert the path to a selection?

Thank You for your help!

Edit: I figured out my problem, I had to change the settings under the Pen Pressure part.
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Jun 15th 2008#180006 Report
Member since: Sep 28th 2006
Posts: 109
Dudenow12 said:Ahh... Ok, So how do I convert the path to a selection?

Thank You for your help!

Edit: I figured out my problem, I had to change the settings under the Pen Pressure part.

If you still want to know how to convert a path to a selection, all you need to do is to make the paths pallet active. You can then do one of two things. Either CTRL click on the path icon or open the path pallet menu and choose Make Selection.

Good luck.
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