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A filtering Question

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Jun 9th 2001#5496 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2001
Posts: 1
This is a photograph of the actress Natalie Portman. Nothing done to it on the editing level.

This is obviously the same photograph, but obviously heavily edited.

Note: I did not do this editing nor do I know who did it.

Anyway, I was just wondering how this was done. It looks like te me the hair was complely re-drawn and most of the lighting effects are added pretty simpley.

I am a relitive newbie to Photoshop, so I don't quite know if something like this can be done with it. But I don't see why not. I just have no idea how to do it, and want to know how.

Is this mainly a filter with a lot of post-work? Or is it possible the person just took the outlines and completely re-drew all the skin and material?

I am really curious, becuase I want to be able to do something like this.

Thanks in advance...
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Jun 9th 2001#5497 Report
Member since: Mar 16th 2001
Posts: 2421
I didn't look at that picture too long but I'm going to guess that picture that you are asking about is not even a picture. It's 100% airbrushed. What the artist does is use the photograph as a reference and then airbrushes over it on a new layer (or multiple layers) and basically paints the image. It takes a lot of time and talent and more than likely for a pic like that a tablet... If done well you can't hardly tell the difference between a photograph and a digital image made 100% in Photoshop...

The only thing I'd say "may" be part of the picture is the pants.
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