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Should the US Constitution ban gay marriage?

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Feb 29th 2004#143919 Report
Member since: Apr 15th 2003
Posts: 148
On the subject of gay marriage...

Its offensive to everything an everyone who hold traditional values.

Few months ago, I heard nothing of gay marriage. Then the snowball effect occurs and we have this in our faces. To be blunt, its totally ridiculous.

This is one of the reasons, I don't want to have a child in N.Y. This will damage the kid, confuse beyond comprehension. How do you explain to a child why 1 male is kissing another male?

The sole purpose of male/female is to mate an leave a legacy. Gays? Test tube conception or some other distorted means of birth.

In NYC the opened "Gay High" a school for gay kids. Unbelievable. Gay in not a lifestyle, its a condition. I believe in religion, but also in science, there are no gay species in the wild. Is there a cure of this condition? Who knows?

Giving them the right to marry is totally against society's standards of correctness. IMO....

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Feb 29th 2004#143928 Report
Member since: Jun 3rd 2003
Posts: 1867
there are no gay species in the wild.

This is a damn good point. According to religion, gay people are hedonistic and bad and should be denounced. according to the darwinian theory, there is no survival instinct behind two men or two women courting.

Then again, what survival instinct do humans need these days? We've completely dominated everything else.

I don't know if I agree with it or not because it's a very confusing subject, but I just wanted to say that that was a really good point
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Feb 29th 2004#143929 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
[QUOTE=Fess]...there are no gay species in the wild. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, so? We don't eat eachother either... we don't roll around in our own **** too... (well, some do... but I won't go there! ;))

I find it all very childish, whats the big deal anyway? Everyone in here sort of says they don't care about gay people being together, but noone agrees on them being together officialy. I feel it's like a way to obstruct gay people, like: "...oh... you CAN be just CAN'T marry eachother..." To still be able to control it.

Here in holland gay mariages have been allowed for quite some time now, and no riots in the streets or any other signs of the collapse of the dutch empire. ;)

And btw, disallowing gay people to marry doesn't stop gay people being together and kissing in the streets like some of you guys mention.
Whatever, it's not my problem...
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Feb 29th 2004#143933 Report
Member since: Nov 14th 2001
Posts: 1297
posted by Fess
Giving them the right to marry is totally against society's standards of correctness. IMO....

Taking away a group of people's rights to do anything based on their beliefs is "totally" against the Ameican constitution, provided that it doesn't cause physical harm to anyone, don't you think?

Yeah, so? We don't eat eachother either... we don't roll around in our own ****

LOL - pretty much puts an end to that logic. Nicely said, NL.

Regardless of America's homophobia, this is a political smokescreen. Pay attention to real issues, unlike our Government and it's media puppets.
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Feb 29th 2004#143948 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2003
Posts: 1203
[QUOTE=Fess]I believe in religion, but also in science, there are no gay species in the wild. Is there a cure of this condition? Who knows?[/QUOTE]
False. There is a monkey living in Africa sharing 99% of its genetic information with humans which regularly engaged in homosexual conduct (read: gay sex). And there are other examples in fish and reptiles.

You can't make the argument "animals don't do it, so why should we?" because animals do tons of other sh*t that humans don't do. Most animals mate with several different mates throughout their lives. You don't see the religious right pointing that out in the arguments.

Chimpanzes, another animal closesly related to humans, have sex by violently raping the females (several a year, too). You never see that brought up. Hell, if you're going to use nature as an excuse (using false info, might I add) then I want you campaigning for my right to rape whatever woman is the most attractive.

It would also be easy to make the argument that humans, as the most intellectually developed race on the planet are able to form emotional bonds outside of any sexual desire or desire to pass on one's genes.

Homophobia is strikingly similar to the hysteria during the Civil Rights era. "I'm not going to let them go to school with my kids." Suprise! Homosexuals are not out to make the whole world gay or mess with your kids. They just want the same rights heterosexuals want. Why is that such an issue?

[QUOTE=Fess]How do you explain to a child why 1 male is kissing another male?[/QUOTE]
The same way you explain why people have different colored skin.

[QUOTE=graphicsguy]Regardless of America's homophobia, this is a political smokescreen. Pay attention to real issues, unlike our Government and it's media puppets.[/QUOTE]
This is a real issue.

Throughout history people have been afraid of anything different. This is yet another example.
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Feb 29th 2004#143955 Report
Member since: Jun 3rd 2003
Posts: 1867
that wasn't the point with the animal analogy. The point is that however you mate, whether it is violent rape or with several mates or whatever, the point is that every species instinctively mates with the opposite sex simply because of their nature and wanting to make the species grow, or survive over the years by giving life.

the point is that if animals want to survive (and instinctively they do), then they have to mate with the opposite sex in order to procreate. The same applies for humans. Homosexual sex has no point - since it doesnt result in the procreation of the human race - except to convey love to another person of the same sex and indulge in pleasure. Whether these are morally right or wrong is up to you.

I'm not saying I agree with these points, but that's the point that I think is trying to be made - and it's the point I got anyway.
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Feb 29th 2004#143956 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
I agree with you there, supahsekzy... that it has no point... but if that is the way to think I think gambling should become illegal again, no more videogames, no more tv... no more nothing.

Homosexuals don't get married to procreate, they do it to show the love they have for eachother, probably. Just like heterosexuals, it's just wrong to think that mariage is all about procreating... it's a bond between two persons... for me it doesn't matter if it are two people of the same sex or not. let them have their fun, I say.
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Feb 29th 2004#143957 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2003
Posts: 1203
But the assertion that no animals are homosexual is false. Read the beginning of my point.
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Feb 29th 2004#143958 Report
Member since: Aug 10th 2001
Posts: 793
Gay have to pay as much tax as you do... So why should you have more rigth then them?

Also. th procreation argument, if this was the real reason for marriage would you not simply pick-up any healty girl in procreation age?

Mariage is not about procreation, its about forging a bond betwen two peoples...

Evreyone find-it romantic when they see an old cople in their 80 who get married after be separating by fate for many years... You don't say its not rigth because they cant provreate anymore...
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Feb 29th 2004#143962 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1604
no one is taking away anything from anyone, they're simply not getting something that someone else has. why? because its been done that way for thousands of years for one, and a small group wants to redefine that definition. no one has more rights than anyone, but there's no logical reason to be treated exactly the same as someone else when you're doing something entirely different.

also, why is everyone applauding these random mayors who are directly going against their states' laws that they've sworn to uphold when an alabama judge was removed from his bench for something that had far less direct legal guidelines?

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