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Gameboy Advance SP

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Mar 22nd 2003#96361 Report
Member since: Mar 28th 2001
Posts: 1109
Charm: Do you have GBA SP?
Circuit City Express Guy: Yes!
Charm: Umm... the platinum version?
Circuit City Express Guy: Yes!
*goes in back room*
Circuit City Express Guy: Is this even supposed to be on sale yet?
Charm: Umm... I don't know...
Circuit City Express Guy: Good.

Got it tonight after all the other stores told me I couldn't get it until Sunday. Wheee!

Is 26 too old to buy video games? Nah! Now that I am all growed up and have a job I can actually afford to buy these things!
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Mar 22nd 2003#96362 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Of course you aren't too old! I will be buying them forever. And way to go with the sales guy! Having a clueless sales person actually paid off for once!
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Mar 22nd 2003#96364 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2002
Posts: 1876
Wow, just further proof how Nintendo is ****ing it's users:

They released the GBA. Good nice little system. However, it had a major flaw that was complained about even before the Gameboy Color came out. Backlit display. People were seriously pissed off since you can only really play it with a good source of light (can't see anything in a car, maybe a plane). So before this year begun they did nothing. Since it's Nintendo, people still foolishly bought the systems. Now, right after the holiday season is over (sales, promotions, etc.) they put on the SP. With the backlit display. It's just a slightly smaller GBA with a back lit display. And looks much less comfortable to hold that a GBA. All for a nice round $100. When they could've just released it before the holiday season, so they'd make a lot more sales with all the christmas/new years presents and the sales. OR, they could've just made the GBA with the backlit display and made it a legendary hand-held. But no, they do it now. For a nice $100. I'll stick to my Neogeo Pocket.
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Mar 22nd 2003#96366 Report
Member since: Apr 20th 2002
Posts: 3000
Originally posted by redeye
should of saved your money and got a better camera. heh, have fun though

Yeah, one that can actually focus on something 4 inches away. :P Calm down msz, back away and let the digicam focus. :rolleyes:
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Mar 22nd 2003#96367 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
OR, maybe they never made it with a backlight, and then everyone would be even more pissed off. Mr. Negativity. At least nintendo still makes the game boy advance, and there are more than like 40 games for it.
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Mar 22nd 2003#96368 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2002
Posts: 1876
I'm pretty sure back lit displays were available for awhile now, and there were lots and lots of complaints that they knew about.
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Mar 22nd 2003#96373 Report
Member since: Aug 25th 2001
Posts: 1619
My camera is gay. 2.2 megapixels.
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Mar 22nd 2003#96375 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Yes, backlit displays have existed for a long time. Even the old GameGear and Lynx back in the day had it. But of course 6 AA batteries only lasted about 3 hours also. The bottom line is, if you don't want to pay for another GBA, don't buy it. Keep the old one. Me, I'm pretty excited that they did listen to people and made it better. They could have just decided to leave it the way it was. But instead they improved it and gave people exactly what they were asking for. How is that wrong?
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Mar 22nd 2003#96376 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i thought it was sidelit? or is there no diff...i kinda pictured it like those old school casio watches. i still say i'm gonna just go for the GBA
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Mar 22nd 2003#96379 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
It's front lit. The light is built into the sides of the screen. But it's still 500% better than the way it was. And should work just fine. for only $30 more, the SP is well worth it in my opinion. I mean if you get the GBA, you are going to get a rechargeable battery pack and a front light anyway. Which will make up for the extra $30 on the SP. Plus it's smaller and has a built in screen protector. I mean not to put down the GBA, I do own one. The SP is just sooooo much better.
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