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photoshop.exe has generated errors....

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Jun 16th 2001#6021 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
hey chaps

has anybody ever had this problem b4 while loading ps ??

photoshop.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows???

it fully sux the fat one, and only ever happens in win2k as far as i'm aware... (*grrr* syupid winblows)

it also happened to a few other apps - if anybody can shed some light on the matter, a big cyber smooch at ya
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Jun 16th 2001#6028 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
A couple questions Mufasa.

1) did it start after installing anything new? (that you remember)
2) does it happen "every" time you try to launch Photoshop?

Also, what exactly does it say when trying to launch Photoshop?....and what other programs?

ok, thats a bunch of questions.... but I can help ya figure out whats happening if ya answer em.
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Jun 16th 2001#6061 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
cheers d00d -

This time around (this install) it also effected an app called
Secure CRT which I use to connect into my linux box.

It acutally started happening when secure CRT ran out of its evaluation period - but when i reinstalled the latest version and rebooted both PS and secure CRT worked again.

In the past its happened when I take my computer and plug it into a differant network (hub partys etc..) and try to run things with my user account, but then everything works with the admin account (which led me to think it was a profile error) but then when I'm back at home things work again (which led me to think it was a network prob) so now i'm confused and looking for all the help i can get

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Jun 16th 2001#6075 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
The only other thing I really can offer is that "at times" I have had problems with Photoshop and other programs securing rescources and then not giving them back (even after the application is quit)....I don't have this problem so much on the Macs, cuz....well....they're just better ;) However on the PC slowly but surely the usable memory depletes and crazy stuff happens.
You can see the effects of this running a utility like *bites tongue* Norton System Doctor.
If the problem was Photoshop specific I would say, trash the photoshop "prefs" file and see if that helps
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Jun 17th 2001#6106 Report
Member since: Jun 14th 2001
Posts: 14
thanks mate
much appreciated - i'll check out bites tounge for sure!!!

seriously if you could get ps and flash and a little bit better 3d game support for linux i'd say g00dbye to winblows in a jiffy.....
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