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Aug 2nd 2002#62513 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
well i guess i am getting really bored... i have decided to make a new layout to a site thats about 5 days old.. i need a life, anyway i think i will keep this one for a while...
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Aug 2nd 2002#62519 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
Very Nice! I like the way the links work. How about some coffee drips that happen at random intervals? I think you found something that works nicely. One small minute criticism - I didnt like the background color on your resume page, detracted from everything else. But I like the messy desktop theme. Very cool.
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Aug 2nd 2002#62539 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
background color of resume should be the same as all the rest, well it looks like it to me? could you get me a screen shot please...
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Aug 2nd 2002#62540 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
rofl your resume bg is like just a grey bg.

i really like that! one26 inspiration? well either way really nice, and apparently you have frequent nose bleeds or something?

nice job
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Aug 2nd 2002#62541 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
ahh i see what i did, for some reason it looked normal on my screen, i updated so please tell me if it is fixed =), and yeah outbreaks page inspired me, and why shouldnt he, great designer =) and no, those are photoshop stains, i dont know why i put em but it gave it some realizism, i guess?
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Aug 2nd 2002#62543 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
yep fixxed! great job

u made those from scratch?
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Aug 2nd 2002#62544 Report
Member since: Jul 17th 2002
Posts: 215
nice use of iframes dude. btw i see that u went to vica... could u tell me a little about that im thinking of going 2 it
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Aug 2nd 2002#62545 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
K it's normal now =)
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Aug 2nd 2002#62546 Report
Member since: Jun 9th 2002
Posts: 1283
VICA is pretty crazy, i was forced into by my adversting design teacher in my last 2 years of highschool, the competitions are basically you goto the place where its held you sit down they give you a big packet full of the assignment, maybe some sample pictures to look off of or to use in your final piece, they give you about 4 hours to do about 10 thumbnails and then 2 rough drafts and then a full size final, at the state it was all hand drawing... at nationals it is way way crazier, its almost like a cult people are way to damn serious and its a week of things you have to goto and attend with your state, you have to wear their "uniform" which is a red blazer and black pants, but when i won state my school district was kind enought to pay the 700 or whatever dollars it is for nationals so it was a free trip, so thats good, nationals is a bit more work need to do some computer work ( have to copy a ad completely the same on the computer from a piece of paper, all measurements have to be exact using quark xpress or page maker, i used quark) then you have to do your free hand stuff about the same as state but a bit more stuff. that is all for the advertsing design section, i had zero time to see the other sections, since i was in competition for 5.5 hours at nationals, but im sure the others are about the same... have some weird sections, carpet cleaning, masonery, cabinet making... but i think advertising design is a good one, then at the end of the week you have to goto the arena where all 10000 kids, and coaches go for the winner announcments.. its pretty crazy everyone is cheering and crap, it wasnt really my thing and my teacher was annoying me the whole week, but i won bronze for the nation out of 37 other states, but it was ok. i would try it out its an expierence... hope i didnt write too much =)...

and amen those are all scanned in images that i had to put together in sections since my scanner can only do 11x8.5...
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Aug 2nd 2002#62553 Report
Member since: Jul 29th 2002
Posts: 30
good job.. like it very much
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