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my new layout

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Jul 15th 2002#58969 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
i wanted to create a site solely on spontaneuity. Critique it and tell me what you think it

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Jul 15th 2002#58973 Report
Member since: May 27th 2002
Posts: 627
i've critique'd a few like this before :D
it looks like you're just getting to grips with some of the trend photoshop techniques, the random 'scanning' numbers need to be smaller with a lower opacity, and your lines need to be a thinner px and the same opacity as the shape they're coming from... again change some of your fonts :D
not bad tho ;)
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Jul 16th 2002#59063 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
what should i change my fonts too?
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Jul 16th 2002#59064 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
thanks by the way
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Jul 16th 2002#59067 Report
Member since: Apr 20th 2002
Posts: 3000
1. For the splash, the text on the bottom needs to be changed because it's barely legible.
2. You're being redundant if you put "Best viewed at 1024x768" twice on the same page. Choose which ever one.
3. The splash doesn't seem to match with the site at all (personal preference).
4. There's a HUGE gap from the top of the updates window to the actual content, you might want to close that. Also make the Scroll up and Scroll down a lot more noticable. Maybe you can try images instead of text.
5. The line you have in the content window blocks out text that just happens to go ontop of.
6. Font of the content window.
7. The Frontpage link opens the same page in a new window.
8. Make the images in the gallery link to the full size version so the visitors can actually see in-detail what the image really looks like.
9. That Liquid H2O graphic on the bottom that clears the left iframe makes that iframe loads up a blank page with the default scrollbar colors (this is just for site consistency).
10. Since H2O is made up of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, you made those images on top of the molecule, which I thought was pretty cool. Make sure the two hydrogen atoms are smaller than the oxygen atom, since oxygen has a larger atomic mass than hydrogen (again, solely personal preference).
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Jul 16th 2002#59080 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
moochman, thanks for the input and i'm going to implement those changes, except of course #3 and #4. I love that image manipulation i did, I couldn't possibly get rid of it.

The huge gap is suppose to be there, so when people actually first view the site, they can see all the artwork, b4 the text permanetly blocks it. I personally like it, but if people think it looks tacky then i'll change change it.

I especially agree with #10 though. When I designed that 3d molecule, I didn't take into consideration atomic radii.
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Jul 16th 2002#59082 Report
Member since: Feb 15th 2002
Posts: 84
oh by the way, the front page link was suppose to refresh the popup... I couldn't figure out how to do that though

and what type of image do you think i could replace with the scroll up and scroll down text? I tried adding arrows, but they simply look so awkward just "floating" there...
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