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Photographer's site under development.

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Jul 11th 2002#58043 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
Here's a site I am working on for a photographer friend of mine. It's only the 2nd site I have ever designed so that makes me a newbie.

It's intentionally basic since it's really just a portfolio of his work.
I'm not very far along so I thought I'd have you guys take a look while changes can be made easily. Only the "portfolio" and "contact" buttons are active at the moment. The thumbs are still having Javacript applied so that they open a pop-up of the full-sized image in a pre-defined window.

Being torn between 800x600 and 1024x768, we decided to try and do something that wasn't offensive either way.

Any comments thus far?
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Jul 11th 2002#58050 Report
Member since: Dec 18th 2001
Posts: 119
Well I like it.. I'd critique it a bit but I am not in the mood. I myself am doing a photographers site, he runs a biz and I am gonna redo his site for him. My first job too. ^.^;
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Jul 12th 2002#58070 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2002
Posts: 1391
i would say the scan lines in the background are a bit distracting but other than that looks good.
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Jul 12th 2002#58119 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
A2C would you like the lines better maybe if they were just darker and less prominent? Like on Pank's site? Or you just don't care for scanlines at all?
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Jul 12th 2002#58129 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2002
Posts: 1391
either way its your site, what ever looks best to you
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Jul 12th 2002#58148 Report
Member since: Apr 1st 2002
Posts: 1487
i agree with A2C, but i'm going to say to make the scan lines lighter so that they are noticeable, but just BARELY able to be seen. experiement a bit with 'em.

also change the copyright font to verdana size 1, if you want that is, i think it'd look better that way
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Jul 12th 2002#58178 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
Yeah, less noticable, more 'soothing' would be my word on the scan lines. The first 'p' in pete gets lost a little over the slide images.
Oh yeah and it looks great!
Your friend takes some pretty fun pictures. Must be nice to be outside like that.
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Jul 12th 2002#58202 Report
Member since: Jul 9th 2002
Posts: 132
Looks GREAT for a newbie. I agree with the scanlines being lighter. Also, you wanna change your font for the Website created by text at the bottom. Looks good!
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Jul 12th 2002#58228 Report
Member since: May 14th 2002
Posts: 285
Thanks for the replies so far.

Excellent points on the font.

I like the scanlines because I want some *texture* in the background, so I fiddled with making the darker portion of the two lines brighter so there is not as much contrast between the two and I think it does in fact look better. Just a hint of texture without it being distracting.

I'll post the changes with hopefully a completed version of the site here in about a week when it's all done so you can see.

Great suggestions. Thanks for the input!
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